Days: 4 days time: July with whom: play with friends: photography, free travel, humanities, food

1 Sino Russian Restaurant, Mosley, Amur Bay Hotel, Vladivostok, Suifenhe port

2 Vladivostok railway station Lenin square Orthodox Church Vladivostok submarine Vladivostok supermarket

Wusuli Bay Vladivostok's commanding height five yuan cable car China Russia border trade sports market Vladivostok China market

4 return bus

Show all 4 days away

Day 1


Vladivostok - the former territory, the unchanging starting point of Russia for the old generation of Chinese, no matter how many years have passed, the history carrying their youth is always lingering: because the former Russia represents progress, superiority, goals... That generation, it is a great honor to step on the territory of the Soviet Union. With the elapse of time, Russia is still enjoying itself leisurely, and China has already stepped on another track. History has left too many complicated and unclear stories for both sides. In the book of Sino Russian exchanges, there is one place that makes it difficult for me to distinguish each other, that is Vladivostok. This place, labeled "Vladivostok" in Russian on the map of China, was once a place where Chinese people raised sea cucumbers, but now it has become the capital of the Russian Far East. Although he has undoubtedly appeared in the territory of China for a long time

It's a must to pass the customs, but it's not the scenery, but all kinds of Russians, all kinds of "Baoye".

The Russian "Daoye" at Suifenhe port of China and Russia have another unique name: "Baoye", which is their "special train"

Looking at them forgetting to carry them in the car, I thought, are the people in Vladivostok so rich? In the original Sino Russian border trade policy, it was stipulated that as long as no more than 50 kg of goods were carried by each person each time, there would be no goods tax. As a result, smart Chinese businessmen want to hire local unemployed people to pack food and play for a few days. They only need to bring back 50 kg of goods when they return. In order to curb this trend, the new policy of the Russian government is that Vladivostok residents can only go to Suifenhe once a month. But there are still a lot of people operating this kind of door, that is, we can still see the scene of big bags and small bags. There is a professional term for the Russians who cross the border for this purpose, which is called "Baoye". It has the flavor of "Daoye" in the past in China. However, the "Daoye" of "Daoye" is to make profits on its own, and "Baoye" is closer to being used as a tool“ "Baoye" sounds like men. In fact, most of them are elderly Russian aunts. They are not only fit for three, but also strong.

Russia's elegant carriage

From Suifenhe to Vladivostok, you need to go through the Customs at grojkovo to go through the immigration procedures. Our team will take the train from Suifen River to grojkovo. In the same Russian train, there are many Russians, but they can't sit together. They can only do the designated carriage.

Russian currency of various denominations.

This Vladivostok Amur Bay Hotel is specially for Chinese tourists. It is old-fashioned, but the scenery is first-class. Outside the window is a panoramic view of Amur Bay. There is a barbecue night market on the beach downstairs at night. Although the boss is Russian, he did business with the Chinese in his early years and established contacts, so now he can contract many Chinese travel agencies to stay in Vladivostok.

Russia's prices are high, if you eat group meals, even satiety is a problem. I have to add my own meal and eat out. This restaurant is a local common consumption restaurant, which many locals eat. There are various sizes of red sausage. Even small ones are much bigger than domestic ones. It's cheaper than meat.

Day 2


On the second day after arriving in Russia, the first play was to visit Vladivostok railway station. After a brief introduction, the guide told us that we had 15 minutes to take photos freely. Such a big railway station has been carrying the storm for hundreds of years. Now there are only 15 minutes left for tourists. The weather seems to be as dissatisfied as I am, and suddenly I turn black. The coldness of the railway tracks and the hustle and bustle of tourists have a very uncoordinated sense of helplessness, which makes me put down the camera I raised many times, quietly calculating how to leave the group and come back to the railway station in the afternoon. At 3 p.m., it was sunny after the rain. The tour group had no other programs. Under the guard of the guide, most of the group members were huddled in the hotel. Like KGB agents of the former Soviet Union during the cold war, I sneaked out of the hotel. When I got out of the door, I couldn't help pulling up my collar and shrinking my neck, as if on a special mission. According to the hotel Chinese guards to help me buy a map, read some, follow the grapevine, soon found the railway station.

A must see is the Russian starting point of the Middle East Railway between China and Russia. The Russian style architecture is full of atmosphere.

More than a hundred years ago, Russian businessmen took advantage of the opening of the Middle East Railway and went to China with the dream of developing the Far East full of goods. However, more than a hundred years later, Chinese businessmen took the train of the Middle East Railway with high-quality and cheap made in China and opened the door of the European continent. This is the starting point of the railway in the Far East.

This is the Russian section, the starting point of the Middle East Railway. It has played an important role in history and is still an important route for goods from China, Japan and South Korea to be transported to Moscow.

Grand and elegant Vladivostok railway station

Happy waiting father and son.

The platform of the station is open-air, which is quite different from what I think. Several elevated dry bridges connect several platforms. On the dry bridge, you can see all the trains in and out, and there are many seats on the dry bridge for waiting people to rest. A lot of Russian people who are not very fashionable and relatively grassroots choose to wait for the bus here. Although the indoor waiting room is also free to open, but it is obvious to feel the difference between the two types of waiting, or this is the invisible boundary between social classes. In contrast, the outdoor waiting people are more likable, because they can see the long lost smile on their faces.

The trains in Russia are not on time.

I quickly walked out of the waiting room, only to see a long train slowly into the station, the length of the train can not be described. Although I saw the length of the Russian train in Manchuria three years ago, I still remember the 79 car truck Russian train carrying wood at that time.

The extremely high floor suddenly broke the sense of space of my city people. The white wall, two rows of arched windows, and excellent lighting made the hall completely without lighting. I had to admire the Russian architectural wisdom.

Walking into the waiting room of the railway station, although thousands of feet of space is only sporadically filled with dozens of people waiting for the train, there is no sense of being too big and useless. The style of a great power is revealed in every detail, even if it is only a small far eastern city. There is no noise in the hall. Most of the waiting people are middle-aged and old people. They are well dressed. They are not enthusiastic about my camera, and they don't blink. They look like a calm cold spring. I can't tell whether it's a trace of indifference brought by history or the reserve of the people of big countries, because the whine of trains sounded out of the window.

Russian blonde in the car.

The railway station of Vladivostok, the city of the Far East, can cross Siberia and enter Moscow.

From the railway station, you can overlook Lenin square, cross the wide road, and the open-air fish market in the morning, and behind it is. There are shopping malls nearby, but there are not many beautiful women, many Russian aunts. But now there are many stalls under the square to buy bread and sweets, which are also very attractive.

Orthodox Church has a deep influence in Russia. Many orthodox churches are no exception in Vladivostok, which is not the biggest. But in the city center, they are very close to other tourist spots, so they are generally among the visitors. You can see the golden onion top from a distance. With the shrimp colored exterior wall, it's a very bold match.

He specially asked the guide to take us to the supermarket where Russian local people shop. There are many kinds of ice cream, the price is really expensive, but the local famous ice cream is very delicious, 3 yuan each. I bought a box for my friends from all over the world.

Submarines are retired real ships, but they are relatively small in scale. One way tour route will take less than 10 minutes to come out. However, it's very interesting to go through them. The most interesting thing is the feeling of going through the hatch when passing between different function cabins.

Day 3


We have to go. Many Russian warships dock, and there are many "military uniforms" passing by from time to time. There are also many people feeding seagulls. Whether it's sunny or dark, it has a unique flavor.

Vladivostok has three major Harbors: Amur Bay, Wusuli Bay and Golden Horn Bay. Our hotel is next to Amur Bay. Today, we will take a sightseeing boat to visit Wusuli Bay and Jinjiao Bay. There is the highest Ferris wheel in Vladivostok in Jinjiao Bay. You can't take it. It's good to have a distant view. Not far from the railway station, you can see the sign of Wusuli Bay: warships with guns and live ammunition are lined up in full posture.

It was a gloomy day, which made the military harbor more cold and solemn. It was different from the general feeling of visiting the harbor. It's like going into a historical play.

The group members feed the seagulls. The seagulls are not afraid of people and come in groups.

Wusuli Bay in fog lock, warships lined up.

Lunch is served on board, and Russian beauties sing. Singing "three sets of cars"!

Heroic feelings? The temptation of the iron curtain?

The long sea breeze made us calm down in a hurry. Since most of the tour groups are arranged to visit here in the morning, there are only some polytechnic students who come to enjoy the cool and chat with each other after class. Looking from afar, the buildings full of Russian style spread out on both sides of the harbor. The onion tops of several Orthodox churches reflected the dazzling golden light in the sun. This great river and mountain was once a territory that we could freely enter and leave. Although it is still beautiful as before, there is no trace of Chinese territory on the surface.

If you know Russian, you can come here on your own without time limit. It's a place worth going to again and again. The time for the team to come here is limited. It's better to help them find a taxi through the hotel and ask them to tell the driver the way back and forth. Generally, the one-way route is 250-300 rubles.

As we walked down the path, we found a building with a "cable car" in its coordinates. Just now, at the highest point, due to the shelter of the lush trees, we didn't notice it at all. There was no one inside. There was only a mini bus like cable car at the end of the line. There was no ticket price, no crew, and no idea whether we could take it. Just as we looked around, a Russian aunt three times my size stepped onto the cable car and waved to us to go up. I was so excited by the scene that I thought I would be willing to take a ride even if it cost 100 rubles.

Feel super positive! But the best view is from the commanding height to the harbor. There is also a church at the exit of the cable car, which is also worth visiting. Usually, there are not many passengers in the cable car, and no one sells tickets. Only when it's time, the Russian aunt who is driving comes up, rings the bell and starts. Every 15 minutes.

As soon as my aunt got in the driver's seat and pulled the handbrake, the cable car slowly drove out of the arched platform. The strong light outside made me squint. When I got used to it, I found that the vision suddenly opened. The broad Bay was at the foot of the mountain. The cable car gradually accelerated and slid on the 35 degree track. In less than five minutes, we had reached the foot of the mountain. After the cable car stopped, Aunt turned to us and held out five fingers. Just as we were wondering if it was 50 rubles, she pointed to a sign on the roof of the car. Oh, with yesterday's experience of buying cakes at the bakery to see the price, I found that it was only 5 rubles for one person!!

It's not a tourist spot, but it's a good place to feel the daily life of local people.

Sports market and China's big market are totally different concepts. In the bustling downtown, the sports market is surrounded by one or two stories of bungalows, and the open space in the middle is set up with contiguous blue tents, which are divided into spaces by iron frames. The goods in the shops are covered with iron frames conveniently. As most shops sell clothes, shoes and socks, it is especially suitable for this kind of display method. Nearly half of the shops here are run by Vietnamese, and the short, dark skin can be easily distinguished.

China's big market has not been open for a long time. There are two other Chinese commodity markets in Vladivostok. One of them was burned down by a fire a year ago. At that time, the top floor of the whole building burned down, and the shops and commodities on other floors were also affected by the fire. The Chinese people operating there suffered heavy losses. It is said that the fire was caused by a disagreement between a local force and Chinese businessmen on the distribution of interests. In another place called "sports market", the number of Chinese businessmen is gradually decreasing due to the gathering of Vietnamese. So the Chinese in Vladivostok united, raised money and put pressure on the government, and decided to rebuild a big Chinese market here.

You need to charter a car to go there. If you want to inspect the Sino Russian border trade or see the local supermarket, you can go here.

Day 4


Originally, it was quite a good arrangement to take the train on the way to Shanghai and take the bus on the way back. However, it used to take one more transfer station to take the bus. Because of the transit procedures, you can sit in the middle of the low bungalow with other residents of Vladivostok. Then there is a long wait, and the guide is missing. There is no progress if you want to ask someone. After waiting for about 2 hours, we finally saw the bus carrying us. It was written with the Chinese characters of Suifenhe River on it. We had to know that if they didn't go through the transit formalities after work, we would have to wait for a night at the place where we couldn't get to the village before and the shop after.

Vladivostok visa: HKSAR passport can be visa free for 14 days. Chinese citizens can get free landing group signature with their passport. Currency: Russian currency: ruble,   As the ruble is not an international currency, if you leave Suifenhe, you can exchange RMB with Chinese and Russian trade shops in Qingyun market. The exchange rate is about 1:4.53 (floating) between RMB and ruble. If you reserve us dollars, you can exchange it in a bank in Vladivostok. However, if you don't know the language, you are advised to exchange it before entering China. Time difference: 3 hours, i.e. 8:00 Beijing time = 11:00 Russian time language: Russian, English is not universal, the use rate is less than 1%. Putonghua is basically universal in Chinese settlements and the Chinese market, and is very popular. Transportation: at present, most tourists go to Vladivostok by Suifenhe river. There are two ways: Highway and railway. But when you get to grojakovo in Russia, you have to transfer to Vladivostok. The train ticket is about 176 yuan per seat. From Guangzhou, Beijing and Changchun, there are seasonal direct flights to Vladivostok. Accommodation: the cost of foreign hotels in Vladivostok is relatively high, about ¥ 1000-1500 / Standard Room / night. But scale and health are guaranteed. However, most of the hotels contracted by some domestic compatriots in Vladivostok have relatively general conditions, with a standard room of about ¥ 500-700 / Standard Room / night. Most of the border groups are staying in such hotels, because it's better to confirm the level and name of the hotel with the travel agency when joining the group. Group fee: it can be divided into low season and peak season. The price is 30-40% higher than that in low season, which is about ¥ 2500. Note: 1   Transit: when drugs enter Russia, the Customs checks them strictly. If necessary, it's better to take them with you rather than put them in your carry on luggage. Because the Russian side will only check the luggage at most. two   Exchange: in China's major banks, if they can't exchange roubles, they can exchange roubles at special stalls in Qingyun market. Don't exchange roubles with tour guides or landlords. Their exchange rate is generally 20% lower than that in the market. three   With the group: must sign a contract, list all attractions, pay attention to the listed or hidden insurance, transit fees, transport differences, self funded items. If in the course of the journey, the tour guide requests all other extra fees outside the contract, you can refuse to pay. Most of them are pretentious expenses. four   Safety: due to the language barrier, try to avoid going out alone at night. There are few street lights. If you get lost, it is difficult to find a taxi to go back to the hotel. Suggestions: 1. Find a Chinese resident in Vladivostok as a translator or tour guide, usually about ¥ 200 / day. 2. Take some 100 rubles of loose money or cigarettes with you. When the local police find fault or stay in trouble, 100 rubles or a few puffs of cigarettes can often help you get out of trouble. Don't believe the lies of some tour guides about huge fines. 3. Take some snacks and dry food with you. Local vegetables and vegetables are more expensive. Therefore, the specifications of group meals are the same as or even worse than those of participating in the famine 30.

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