Days: 4 days

Time: September

With whom: one person

Play: free travel, petty bourgeoisie, photography, food, local transportation

The author went to these places


The Kremlin

Red Square

arbat street

Moscow River

Alexander Garden

Tomb of the unknown martyr

Tomb of Lenin

All Russia Exhibition Center

Moscow University

Triumphal Arch

Published at 07:00, November 24, 2012

Journey to Moscow

Gu Jian


First of all, I am Gu Jian, the original author of this article. I just came to Lvping to register, but it seems that Li Gui registered Gujian's ID before, so I use the current ID instead

This series and the "two legged bookcase" series are repeated. It is to introduce the famous cities that have been the capital of "Roman emperor" in Europe one by one. Because in Europe, the emperor is one level higher than the king. In terms of the legal system, the emperor must be crowned by the Pope and inherit the legal system of the Roman Empire. According to the chronological order, the first one is "traveling to Rome with two legged bookcases", and the second one is Constantinople, the capital of the Eastern Roman Empire. Vienna, the capital of the Habsburg family for 500 years, Berlin, the capital of the second German Empire, London, the capital of the British Empire, Paris, Napoleon, the capital of the French Empire. Moscow, the ancient Tsar capital of Russian Empire inherited from East Rome, and Petersburg, the new Tsar capital of Russian Empire.

In the introduction of the "European imperial capital series" travel notes "say Empire, who is the Empire", I once mentioned that there is an essential difference between the emperor and the king. The European empire and the emperor, whose legal system comes from the inheritance of the Roman Empire. Moscow was built in 1156. After the western expedition of the Mongolian army, in 1327, Moscow became the capital of Vladimir, the vassal state of Vladimir, and later the capital of Moscow duchy. But at that time, Moscow duchy was still the vassal status of the Mongolian khanate, so it could not be called the "imperial capital". As the capital of the emperor, Moscow's position came from the fall of the Eastern Roman Byzantine Empire. Ivan III, the Great Duke of Moscow, was independent from the vassal status of the Mongols. In 1453, Constantinople was captured by Turkey and Byzantine Empire was destroyed. Ivan III, as the nephew and son-in-law of the last Byzantine emperor Constantine Xi, claimed to inherit the orthodoxy of Byzantine East Roman Empire and use the title of czar. His grandson, Ivan IV, was officially crowned czar. The emperor is one level higher than the king and is the king of kings. This is the legal basis for the czar to be called "emperor". Now Moscow is a bit half hearted in developing tourism. Many streets and subway stations are not marked in English. This is not comparable to another famous Russian city, Petersburg. Especially the subway. It is said that the daily traffic volume of Moscow metro is 8 million, with a peak of more than 9 million. Shanghai has only now stabilized to 5 million, with an occasional peak of more than 6 million. But in the Moscow subway, only the map in the carriage is in English and Russian, and all other signs are in Russian. Therefore, a subway line map in English and Russian is absolutely essential. Otherwise, looking at the English subway map, it will not match the signs in the station at all. During the past two weeks in Russia, I've read a lot of Russian, but I also have some tricks: one is the number of numerals, the number of letters spelled out by Cyrillic and Latin letters is basically the same, so when I see a street, I count a few letters when I can't understand the name. Compared with the English map, I can basically find where I am. There is also a lot of correspondence between Cyrillic and Latin letters. For example, C is s in English, B is V in English, P is r, and R in Cyrillic is r written in reverse, etc. Moreover, the spelling of Slavic language is very regular. When you see Russian words, you can basically pronounce them, and you can also guess the place names. Sometimes I think of it as a game, right as a mental exercise. There's another question that tourists who haven't been to are most concerned about: is Moscow a safe city? It's said on the Internet that Russia is not safe, and people are in a panic before it. In fact, there is no problem. Usually, tourists stay in the scenic spots where tourists are concentrated. Don't run to places where no one is at night. How can they meet Mafia and Neo Nazis? Thieves are unavoidable everywhere in the world, right? The thieves in Russia are not necessarily better than those in Italy and Spain. There's a little anti-theft tip: don't take your passport with you, just lock it in the safe at the front desk of the hotel. According to the travel guide, if you run into Russian police to check your ID card, the copy of your passport is completely acceptable. As long as the passport is not stolen, nothing else matters. So, I said, as long as you don't go to the battlefield, there are no real dangerous places in the world, only tourists who are not careful enough. Strategically, we should be bold. Even in Iraq, it is not impossible to go, but we should be careful about the details of every day and tactics. For example, if someone goes to New York and goes across central park at night and gets robbed, so they come back to say that New York is a dangerous place, what can I say about you? As for the Russian police, they often hear extortion under the pretext of checking their passports. I met Andy, a netizen, in Petersburg this time. He has been stationed in St. Petersburg for three years. He and his colleagues around him have never encountered similar incidents. However, he also mentioned that it is said that the police in Moscow do not have the same rules as those in Petersburg. He told me to show him my passport in my hand and not to give it to him if I met the police for inspection (I went a step further, I didn't take my passport at all, only took a copy to go out). But there are few such things in Moscow now. I met so many foreign tourists along the Siberian railway. I have asked them all. Speaking of this, none of them was stopped by the police. It is said that it has been rectified in recent years, and the Russian police confiscated their passports and fined them. I guess there may be problems in many cases: if you do small business frequently, do not follow the rules to register, or do not bring the registration documents, or the address is fake, technically, you are indeed in violation of the law, do you blame the police for bullying you? Later, when I was on the train from Ulan Bator to Beijing, I heard the conductor of Beijing talk about that Moscow police would use this method to blackmail Chinese workers with incomplete certificates in the local Chinese inhabited areas. They would not ask for more than 200 rubles. Generally, 100 rubles would be given to them. Tourists would never encounter such an experience. In addition, according to my observation, in Moscow, the police did stop passers-by to check. Although I have never been checked, I saw it three times in the subway station at the entrance of the Kremlin, and once I handcuffed people away. These three times, to sum up, are all white people with dark skin, thin, not tall, atrophied, single men. To sum up, men who look like men in Central Asia (Turks, such as Uzbek, Kazak, Uighur, Turkmen, Chechnya), but not like tourists, are easy to be checked. I estimate that the random inspection of Moscow police now also has the key point: they want to guard against the terrorists in Chechnya. If I look at it like this, it's tourists and they are swaggering. They don't know how to check it. The first section of the Kremlin Moscow and Petersburg, all the buildings are magnificent, so all the buildings are tiring. But I think Moscow is a little better: the biggest attractions are around the Kremlin and red square, including St. Basil's church, the Bolshoi Ballet Theater, and the Pushkin Museum of art. It's not far from albard street. Two subway stations. The other is the new virgin cemetery, far from the Kremlin. I've been to these two places. Basically, I've come to the most interesting places in Moscow. In addition, I also have something to do with my personal interests if it's related to destinations that the tour group won't go to. If you want to go to these placesIf you want to walk, the scale is very large, the walking distance is long, and the requirement for physical strength is very high. For example, the memorial buildings of the Soviet era, the "Seven Sisters" of Stalin style architecture; Kubinka Tank Museum in military history (I have written a special article last year), the Central Army Museum, and the memorial hall of the victory of the Great Patriotic War. If you don't go to these places, most tourists are limited to the vicinity of Kegong and the new virgin cemetery. In fact, it's not too tiring to play in Moscow. I arrived in Moscow at 7 a.m. by night sleeper train from Petersburg. Most of the scenic spots open at 10 am. After I put down my luggage in the hotel, I had time to go to a travel agency in a residential area in the north of the city. I successfully got the two sections of train tickets from Moscow to Irkutsk, and then Irkutsk to Ulan Bator three days later. I arrived at the Kremlin and just entered through the door. There are four subway lines in the Kremlin. Each station is connected underground to form a station. However, there are four stations with different names. The Kremlin is the seat of the Russian government. The presidential office, the Parliament (the former Supreme Soviet) and the Council of ministers are all in it. What is really open to visit is a group of churches in the central courtyard of the palace, as well as the king of bells and artillery. Therefore, after tourists buy tickets to enter the Kremlin gate, they can only operate in the limited open area, and the office area is strictly prohibited. The police will keep a close watch. In addition, the Museum of treasures and weapons in the Kremlin is also open. The entrance is not at the main entrance. In the south, the tickets for the Museum of treasures and the Kremlin are separated. You can buy a ticket for two places at the box office. If you've done enough homework to see what's famous, I think the treasure house is more worth visiting than the Kremlin itself. But like most museums in Moscow, there are no English signboards, so if you don't know the background, you'd better not go there. The walls of the Kremlin, where do you think of the flowering battlements? By the way, Italian castle architecture! Almost all the city walls and battlements in Italy are separated from each other like two petals. Yes, the Kremlin we see today is written by Italian architects in the 15th century. Since Moscow was built in the 12th century, there have been Wooden Castle fortifications in the Kremlin. Two hundred years later, the great hero Dmitry Donskoy built the first stone castle. It was at the end of the 16th century that Ivan III invited Italian military engineers to design and construct the palace. Therefore, the Kremlin is basically in the style of Italian Renaissance castle, and then the towers and churches were added to the buildings of other styles, such as Notre Dame, Nature is a typical orthodox onion church. The walls of the Kremlin are made of red bricks instead of stone, forming a unique and beautiful red wall. The red five stars on the top of each tower on the wall were installed in 1935 according to Stalin's order, becoming the symbol of the Kremlin, Moscow and even the Soviet state. In tsarist times, the top of the tower was originally a cross. On the ground plan, the Kremlin is an isosceles triangle with the bottom facing the Moscow River and the top facing the Bolshoi Ballet Theater. On the left side, from the bottom to the top, there are the entrance to the treasure house, the main entrance to the Kremlin, Alexandria garden, and the tomb of the unknown martyr. On the right is red square. Under the palace wall are Lenin's tomb and the tombstones of Soviet leaders. Entrance as like as two peas at the 31 gates of the left waist, I walked through the viaduct to the entrance. I felt like the fortress bridge across the river in the Verona castle of Verona in the north of Italy. Napoleon also entered the Kremlin through this gate in 1812. On the right-hand side of the gate square, hundreds of copper cannons were displayed, all of which were the spoils seized by the Russian army from Napoleon's army. The French melted down the Russian and Austrian artillery captured in the battle of Austerlitz and built the triumphal pillar on the vandem square in Paris. The Russian army displayed the captured French artillery here. Go straight through the gate and on the right hand side, you arrive at the only open area inside the Kremlin, the church area. The first to see is king Zhong and King Pao. The king of the bell weighs 220 tons. When it was successfully cast in 1735, it should still be able to ring. Two years later, in 1737, the Kremlin was on fire, and everyone watered it to put out the fire. The big bell was made of bronze. When it was heated, it was suddenly splashed with water to cool down. The heat and cold were uneven. As a result, an 11 ton fragment collapsed, and it could never ring again. However, as the world's largest bronze clock, it is exquisitely carved and still attracts many tourists to take photos with it. The age of the cannon king was earlier than that of the bell king. It was successfully cast in 1586 in the era of emperor Fedor, the son of Ivan IV (emperor Reid). When it was originally designed, it was used as a ceremonial cannon to show its prestige, and it was not expected to start at all. However, I can see that when the cannon was restored in 1980, there were traces of gunpowder burning in its bore, indicating that the cannon had been fired at least once, but there was no relevant record in the history books. It has a caliber of 890 mm and weighs 40 tons. Some materials say that it is the world's largest caliber artillery. In fact, it is the world's largest caliber artillery in ancient times. If modern artillery is included, at least I have seen the "little David" mortar of Aberdeen weapons testing ground of the United States. In 1945, the US Army built it to bombard the "Ziegfeld line" Fortifications on the German border, but it failed to use it. That gun is 914mm. This is the largest and most important one in the church group, the Cathedral of the ascension of the Virgin Mary, where successive czars were crowned. It is the onion style of the Orthodox Church, but the designer is still Italian, Fioravanti of Bologna, Bologna. There is the throne of Ivan Reid in the church. Unfortunately, the interior of these churches is not allowed to be photographed. This is the second most important church, the archangel church,

Turn around the apex of Kegong isosceles triangle, its right waist red wall, facing the world-famous Red Square, forming a long side of the square. Red Square was most famous when it was the Soviet Union's October Revolution Day parade. Many people may think that red square, like Tiananmen Square, is a product of the revolution. Not really.

Red square has existed since ancient times. "Red" also means "beautiful" in Russian. This name has nothing to do with revolution. At that time, it was not only a market, but also a place where criminals were occasionally executed. This is Surikov's famous painting, the morning of the guards' execution, which depicts the scene before the attempted coup of the guards on Red Square in the era of Tsar Peter the great.

The number of domes of onion head Church in Russia has nothing to do with the actual number of spaces inside. For example, there are nine chapels inside Vasili church. This is a picture of the interior. You'll find that this church is typical. It's very beautiful from the outside, but the interior is ordinary.

This is a panoramic view of Red Square. The low square building in the middle is Lenin's tomb.

Visiting Lenin's tomb is the same as visiting the memorial hall in Beijing. There's nothing to look at after walking through it. I think the tombs under the red wall and the place where the ashes are placed on the wall are beautiful. Here are the top leaders of the Soviet Union, such as Stalin, Brezhnev, Andropov and Chernenko, and the founders of Cheka, such as czerzhinsky, sverdlov, Suslov, Ustinov, Kirov, zhidanov and vorongzhi. Famous generals in the war: Zhukov, vasilevsky, konev, rokosovsky, meletzkov, temusinko, etc. It's not only the leaders buried here, but also the first astronaut Gagarin, the literary giant Gorky, and even the Soviets. It's also John Reid, the American author of ten days of shocking the world. If you understand Russian and tombstones, you can walk from the entrance of the queue to the entrance of Lenin's tomb. You can carefully distinguish the names on each tombstone. That is a history of the Soviet Union.

Lenin's tomb is free of charge, but it is closed every Monday and Friday. At other times, it is only open from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. and you can't bring cameras and bags. You have to store bags at the entrance of the square. The prices of big bags and small bags are different, about 20 rubles. Beautiful night view of the Kremlin

I came out of Lenin's tomb at 1 p.m. and walked for five minutes to the outside of Gumm's department store. The yellow building at the intersection is the famous "rupiyanka". In those days, the Cheka and KGB headquarters are still the state security administration. It's not open to visitors. It's said that there is a KGB Museum in it, but the team must make an appointment to get in, so I'll take a picture across the street.

On the other side of Red Square, the Kremlin is about a ten minute walk to the Pushkin Museum of art. According to Fodor's guide, the most wonderful part of the collection here is the works of Baroque and Renaissance masters, and the Impressionist painters. According to my own assessment after my visit, although there are some works of ancient masters, such as Veronese's "Holy Family" and Botticelli's "conception notification", they are not many and are not the best representative works. They can not be compared with the winter palace in Petersburg and famous museums all over Italy. In my opinion, Pushkin, as a state-level art museum in Russia, is most worth seeing in three parts: first, numerous Impressionist collections. They built a new museum dedicated to these Impressionist Works. Here, you can see the works of Monet, Manet, Cezanne, Van Gogh, Gauguin, Degas and almost all other famous Impressionists, which are as comprehensive and rich as the Museum of Orsay in Paris. The government of the former Soviet Union had been secretly purchasing Impressionist masterpieces all over the world for a long time. At that time, the market for Impressionist paintings had not been on fire. It can be said that the Soviets were quite prescient in modern art collection. Strangely, according to the official aesthetic ideology of the Soviet Union, Impressionism, abstractionism and postmodernism are decadent capitalist things. The art style of socialist countries should be romantic realistic works. It sounds quite hypocritical to purchase a large number of western modern art works in private.

The second highlight of the Pushkin Museum's collection is the reproduction of ancient sculpture masterpieces. Here, you can see all the most famous sculptures in the ancient world, from the female pillar of the Acropolis in Athens, the sculpture of the Parthenon temple, Laocoon, Hercules from Rome, resting on a stick, the cattle of Farnese, to David of Michelangelo, day and night. At least I can say that all the masterpieces in the history of sculpture art come together. Of course, these are reproductions, and the benefits are obvious. As an art student, you can copy the works of ancient masters all over the world. As an art lover, you can also enjoy ancient art systematically. When I was in Greece and Italy, I saw all these original works with my own eyes, so I didn't feel special. If you haven't been to Greece or Italy, the replica collection of Pushkin Museum is definitely worth visiting.

The third highlight of the collection is the unparalleled and unique thing here, and the reason why I have to go to the Pushkin Museum this time is the Troy bergamon treasure. At that time, the forefather of archaeology, German schliman excavated the ruins of Troy in Turkey and Mycenae in Greece, and unearthed a lot of Royal gold jewelry. Many of these treasures are now displayed in the National Archaeological Museum of Greece, such as gold masks. But the Trojan treasure, together with the treasure of the ancient kingdom of bergamon, was transported to Germany that year, and a museum of bergamon was specially established for collection. Germany was defeated in World War II, Trojan treasure was mysteriously missing, and it is said that the Soviets moved back from Germany, which the Soviet government firmly denied. It was not until 1995 that the Pushkin Museum officially acknowledged that it did possess the treasure. I have personally visited the Trojan ruins in Turkey, the bergamon ruins in Turkey, the Mycenaean ruins in Greece, the bergamon Museum in Berlin, and the National Archaeological Museum in Athens. I have been famous for these Trojan bergamon treasures for a long time, so I have to make a special pilgrimage.

This is the pure gold headdress of the queen of Troy

There is no doubt that the ballet level of the Soviet Union and Russia is the highest in the world. In Russia, there are two best troupes: Bolshoi in Moscow and malinski in Petersburg. Bolshoi's original Russian meaning is "grand", which means "Grand Theater". When Mao visited the Soviet Union, he also watched the ballet here. If you go to the Soviet Union, you must take time to watch ballet. The official English website of Bolshoi in Moscow is The official English website of malinski in Petersburg is  。 The Grand Theater has been renovated since 2005, but it has not been completed yet. Now the facade is a picture.

It's not allowed to take photos during the performance. It was taken at the curtain call

Section four. arbat street

My hotel is on albard street, a pedestrian street famous for selling souvenirs, many restaurants and more artists. The novel the daughters of albard street gives the art street and commercial street a world-class reputation. It can be said that London has Notting Hill, Paris has Montmartre heights, and albard street is Moscow's response to the former two. I was lucky to book my hotel here. On my first night in Moscow, it was about ten o'clock after watching the ballet. It was very late in Moscow, and I had time to shoot the sunset in red square. Then I went back to albard street. The cafes on the street were still busy, and there were street artists performing there. I've been back to this street for dinner these three days. After eating coffee or drinking, I don't have to worry that it's getting late. I can go back to the hotel and go to bed after a few steps.

This is the street view

The last dinner I had in albard street was very interesting. It was in an Uzbek restaurant opposite the hotel. The decoration was very central Asian, and the dishes were authentic Turkic nomadic flavor. This was Uzbek mutton dumplings with cheese.

Apart from the Kremlin in red square, the most famous scenic spot in Moscow is Novodevichy, the new virgin cemetery. After the subway sportivnaya stands out, turn right for five minutes, turn left at the intersection and see the monastery. It's open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. every day. On my first day in Moscow, I was very efficient. I took all the scenic spots near the red square of the Kremlin and went to see a ballet performance at night. The next morning, we went to the new virgin cemetery.

The new virgin cemetery belongs to the monastery, where the elites of Russian literature, art, science, history and other fields are buried. In the political life of the former Soviet Union, the top leaders were buried under the red wall of the Kremlin, where controversial figures were buried. In my opinion, there are three most noteworthy cemeteries in Europe: father raschez cemetery in Paris, new virgin cemetery in Moscow and Central Cemetery in Vienna.

Before going to the new virgin cemetery, you must do your homework. Otherwise, you can understand Russian: there is a big sign at the entrance of the cemetery, which tells you where all the celebrities are buried. Just take a picture and follow the picture. I don't know Russian. I did some homework in advance, but it wasn't detailed enough. I still missed a lot of celebrities. There are too many historical and cultural celebrities in it, so we can only choose the most famous one here, and the tombstone is also more beautiful.

This is Mayakovsky's tomb

Section 6. Monuments in the Soviet era: seven sisters, Moscow metro, all Russia Exhibition Center

In the Stalin era, the Soviet Union developed an architectural form mixed with Gothic, Art Deco, Renaissance and other styles. The so-called "Stalin style" emphasizes the vertical lines of tall buildings, and the taste of Gothic Renaissance is relatively strong. Maybe it is more appropriate to call it "Soviet Neo Gothic". At that time, the Soviets not only liked to build such buildings themselves, but also "exported revolution", which affected many socialist countries. For example, Warsaw, Poland. As soon as I went out of Warsaw railway station in January this year, I saw that the tallest building in Poland was still the "science and Culture Palace" given to Poland by the Soviet Union in the 1950s, which stood out in the whole city. Although Poland is a socialist country, the poles hate the Russians in national emotion. This building has a nickname in Warsaw, which is called "Stalin chicken". In China, we are familiar with the examples of the Sino Soviet friendship building (exhibition hall) in Shanghai, the Beijing exhibition hall and the military museum. This architectural style is solemn and grand, but the cost is too high. From the late 1940s to the early 1950s, during the recovery period of the Soviet Union's post-war economic strength, Moscow built several outstanding representatives of Stalin style buildings, collectively known as "Seven Sisters", scattered around the Moscow Ring Road, and now has become a tourist landscape.

The "Seven Sisters" have all kinds of uses at present. The easiest place to go is the 27 story Foreign Ministry building at the end of albard street.

But the eldest of the seven sisters undoubtedly belongs to the main building of Moscow State University. It is located on the top of the Moscow river. Overlooking the city, it is even more spectacular. The 240 meter high building, which was completed in 1953 until 1990, is the tallest building in Europe. To this day, it is also the tallest university building in the world.

At noon the next day when I was in Moscow, after watching the new virgin cemetery, I took the subway all over Moscow to photograph the monuments of the Soviet era. The first is the main building of Moscow University

Then I went to film the all Russia Exhibition Center, which was completed in 1939 before the war. It is essentially an Expo, but different from the Shanghai World Expo, it is permanent, with pavilions of various republics and theme pavilions. This is the central exhibition hall.

Nowadays, the gate is already an amusement park with a high Ferris wheel.

Moscow's subway is also a real architectural boutique in the Soviet era. It is said that Moscow's subway stations are luxurious and exquisite, and they are tourist attractions. What's good about it? In my opinion, in terms of brand-new and clean, Moscow's subway station is definitely not as good as Shanghai, let alone its dilapidated carriages. But in my opinion, compared with Shanghai, Moscow's subway stations are just like European palaces and modern office buildings. In terms of modern design and comfortable air conditioning, ancient palaces certainly can't be compared with office buildings. However, the luxury of palaces is reflected in fine carving and artistry, which is unmatched by commercial office buildings, because office buildings have to pay attention to cost control, while palaces don't have to be careful. Moscow's subway stations are like palaces. The mosaics, the carvings on the pillars and roofs, the marble veneers, and even the crown carvings on the lamp caps are all palaces. Needless to say, they are still luxurious now. Even in another hundred years, if they are well maintained, they will still be fine works of art.

This is Komsomolskaya Communist Youth League station in Moscow, the most beautiful subway station. Look at the decoration on the dome and columns.

On the second day in Moscow, visiting the new virgin cemetery, the main building of Moscow's seven sisters, the National University, and the all Russia Exhibition Center are all very physical tasks. It takes a long time to walk from the subway station. Even if you get to the place where the building scale is too large, it takes a long time to circle the building. But these places, compared with the three military museums I went to the third day, are really pediatrics. The next morning, I went to the Kubinka Tank Museum on the outskirts of Moscow. Like the army weapons test ground in Aberdeen, Kubinka is also a test base for the Soviet armored tank troops. The captured tanks and armored vehicles from all over the world, as well as the Soviet Army's own equipment, are integrated into a museum, which is open to the public. This place is still a military base, 60 kilometers outside Moscow. At that time, I hired a Russian local travel agency specializing in military theme tourism to open a private tour for me. Because the eastern front of World War II was the main battlefield of armored forces, the Soviet army had seized a lot of valuable German equipment and many collections, and now they are the only one in the world. In terms of the degree of rarity, Kubinka is absolutely a sacred place in the eyes of weapon fans.

Last year, I made a special description of the Kubinka Tank Museum with special articles and more than 100 photos. Considering that most of the people who read my travel notes are not military fans, and although I am a military fan myself, I am not a weapon fan, so I will not repeat them here.

It was just noon when I came back from Kubinka. I asked my guide to put me in the Central Army Museum North of Moscow. This museum has a weapons square, but I pay more attention to the cultural relics in the exhibition room. Having seen Kubinka, the ordinary tanks and cannons can no longer arouse my interest.

This is a picture of Stalin conferring the rank of the first five Soviet Marshals in 1935.

This is the Marshal's uniform worn by defense minister Voroshilov when he was appointed.

In other words, there are many cultural relics in this museum. For tourists who are familiar with the history of war, I can see many precious and rare collections.

This is the triumphal arch commemorating the victory of Napoleon's war in the 19th century.

At 9 o'clock that night, I boarded the train to the east from Yaroslavl railway station, left Moscow and started the Trans Siberian journey. Looking back on the three days in Moscow, my efficiency is still very high. On the first day, I saw all the scenic spots that ordinary tourists must visit. On the second day, I saw Soviet memorial buildings. On the third day, I met my special interests and saw three oversized military museums. It's not easy to come to Russia once. The main reason is that the visa is too troublesome. Since I'm here, I'll try to see all the places I want to see once. This is the principle of my trip to Russia. Therefore, three days in Petersburg and three days in Moscow were very tiring, seeking for perfection, showing the nature of my violent group. Even in a hurry, I was deeply impressed by the elegant architecture and rich art collection of Russia's two major cities. Next week, I'll be on the train for at least four days. It's a combination of work and rest.

What I have seen and heard in Siberia will be described in another travel note. Moscow and Petersburg focus on these two cities. In the whole may, my whole route from Iceland to the five northern European countries, then across Eurasia and back to Beijing through Mongolia will be more focused on the line and surface.

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