The winding winding mountain road, the rotating white windmill, the tulips at the foot, and the smell of grass in the air

Don't say early summer doesn't know where to play, such scenes in Hayao Miyazaki's fairy tales are hidden at home!

@Rural tourism in Ningbo

There is no "hairpin bend" twists and turns of the ileum thrilling, no gorge river galloping through the magnificent, this road only has a simple appearance, white windmill with yellow wildflowers, a school of fresh.

But don't underestimate the freshness. At any stop along the road, the camera frame is a beautiful oil painting.

The beauty of this super high punch holy land is Baiyan mountain windmill road.

May day did not go out of the small friends, might as well take a look here, make up for the regret. It's also very close. It's only 0.5h away from Ningbo City. You can go there by self driving. You can start at the weekend!


Gesanghua and boshiju in full bloom

Every step is amazing

/Orange sea of flowers/

Baiyan mountain, located at the junction of Fenghua and Yinzhou, is the highest mountain in the northern part of the middle part of the Tiantai mountains. Baiyan mountain windmill highway is located in this mountain, which perfectly divides the two places and serves as a "dividing line" highway.

It's wonderful to say. This 15 km long road is not a "serious road", but a special channel for wind farm enterprises. Its unexpected popularity has made it a holy land for online red card punching.

Title is not small, known as the most beautiful windmill road in Ningbo.

In April, gesanghua on both sides of the road has been in full bloom; In May, Persian chrysanthemum also ushered in the flowering period, orange flower sea is coming!

All the mountains are yellow. Just passing by, it's so beautiful that it's suffocating!

/Best viewing place for windmill/

There are 32 windmills far and near on Baiyan mountain. Each location is different and brings different scenery. Zheyoujun recommends No.3, No.5, No.7 and No.11 windmills here  。

If you want to say that the reason is that foreign vehicles can't pass here and you can't drive up the mountain by yourself, you have to go up on foot.

Far away from the noise of vehicles, there is only one person left between heaven and earth, which makes us feel more small and vast.

If you choose to drive here at the weekend, you must figure out which windmill to play in advance. Different windmills have different ways of going up the mountain and different parking spots. It is very important to do your homework well in advance.

Of course, on the road, taking out a mobile phone or camera to record this moment is also the most correct operation at this time.

/Don't miss these holy places/

Xiao Ba thinks that the most important thing to take photos is to choose a sunny day.

Under the natural light, blue sky, white clouds, windmills, wildflowers... Everything is inexplicable but tacit cooperation.

On the way up the mountain, there is a sign. As one of the places where you must punch in, you can make a big picture in seconds with arbitrary modeling and freedom! Don't miss it~

However, if you want to take a little fresh Japanese style photo, don't forget to put on light color clothes.

How could the blooming cosmopolitan chrysanthemums be without him.

Small, delicate flowers, high and low, scattered growth on both sides of the road, like a yellow ribbon interspersed in the road.

Holding flowers to a, also particularly good.

Windmill is one of the symbols here. How can we take a picture without taking a group photo.

Standing under a giant windmill about 80 meters high, or taking a group photo from a distance, or blowing a bubble with props, no matter what, it is full of spring sunshine and vitality.

After clocking out Baiyan mountain windmill Road, there are many interesting scenic spots nearby, waiting for you to explore.


The mountains and the wild are naturally a school of their own

Sleeping in the mountains with smallpox

/My first trip to my humble home/

It's also the end of nature. His biggest difference can be said to be the innate nature school.

There is no reinforced concrete building, there is no industrial style, there are only stone walls, wooden doors and tiles, simple appearance, like walking into a big family house.

In the hall, sitting on the tatami, the sun can easily penetrate in and make you warm.

If you want to escape the shackles of the city and the noise of traffic, it's right to come here.

/Xufuyan RV holiday camp/

Xufuyan RV holiday camp is located in the highest peak of Xuedou mountain. With its unique natural ecology and rich tourism resources, xufuyan RV holiday camp stands out among many RV themed B & Bs.

Camp to create an ideal way of life as the concept, in this far away from the noise of the residence, tea, reading, feel the selfless gift of nature. Build a bonfire at night, dance with strangers and enjoy a different happy life!

In addition to accommodation, there are also the longest high-altitude glass plank road in Zhejiang Province, the rare waterfall feilada in China, jungle crossing, forest magic net and other entertainment projects. If you are interested, you can punch in one by one.


Rich in products

There are countless snacks hidden

/Face to face/

When it comes to Yinzhou, you have to make noodles, but the light taste can make you want to stop.

Put the dough and bean curd into the bone soup to cook, transfer all the delicious taste of the bone soup, and finally copy several vegetables and put them together. A bowl of dough is finished.

Qingqing light, and even a little "little water", but here is Yinzhou people's morning "spirit".

The "soul" of the dough knot is immediately felt by people.

/Seafood feast/

How can I not eat seafood in Ningbo!

Ninghai, Shipu, Guoju... Crabs, oysters, skipping fish... You can find all the seafood you want, so you can eat it all at once.

Steamed, braised, below, soup... 18 kinds of cooking show, can meet your requirements.

However, Mr. zheyou feels that if you stir fry the seafood in a small restaurant on the street, it will be enough to freshen the taste buds.

/Dim sum/

Apart from seafood, Ningbo is also a sweet paradise. All kinds of glutinous rice snacks emerge in endlessly.

This place is also unique in making desserts. Anyway, there is always a soft glutinous snack that can hit your taste buds.

Don't hesitate. Just this weekend, I'll drive myself at home~

The pictures in this article are not from the Internet, and the copyright belongs to the original author

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