Days: 5 days

Time: July

Per capita: 1800 yuan

With whom: Lovers

Play: photography, humanities, petty bourgeoisie, money saving, poor travel, semi free travel, with the group

The author went to these places



lenin square

Victory Square


Orthodox Church

Triumphal Arch

Golden Horn Bay

Published on 2014-05-29 11:36

"There is no" Z "in life, so we have to start a" go and go "journey immediately"

The wonderful journey of Vladivostok in Russia

Graphic / Dazhi


Since I went abroad to Singapore and Malaysia that year, my travel destination has changed a lot, that is, no longer a single domestic trip. If I can go abroad and feel the splendor of other countries, I will not linger in China. Later, my travel is really a mixture of domestic and foreign travel.

What I miss today is the trip to Vladivostok, Russia, which is very close to me. It's a wonderful journey

Because I have been a local companion, many times my travel is not simply carried out by the travel agency. For example, many people around me choose to start from Jilin when they travel to Vladivostok, Russia. I design it by myself. First, I take the train to Yanji and play in Yanji for half a day. The next day, I take part in the three-day tour of Vladivostok starting from Yanji, and then I return to Jilin from Yanji. In this way, after the budget, the tour fee is not only 200 yuan less than that from Jilin, but also an opportunity to get close to Yanji. It's killing two birds with one stone( If you haven't been to Changbai Mountain, you can take a tour of Changbai Mountain from Yanji, that's killing three birds with one stone.)


1、 Self designed travel plan

2、 Cost budget

3、 Actual cost

4、 Entering the history of Vladivostok

5、 Travel with Dazhi

1、 Self designed travel plan

D1: Jilin Yanji train k215 6:30-13:28

Stay at Greenhouse (Times Square) for the night. Reason for staying in this hotel: the Express Hotel is OK. The most important thing is that there is a cold noodle on the west side of the hotel. The cold noodle in the service building is just across the road from green. It's convenient to taste Yanbian cold noodle. Ha ha~~~~

D2-d4: three day team trip to Vladivostok, Russia

D4: take the train back to Jilin in the evening. K7368 Yanji 21:28-3:52 Jilin

D5: back home in Jilin City in the early morning.

2、 Cost budget

1. The cost of Yanji's three-day tour to Vladivostok, Russia is 900 yuan (now the price has increased, 1350 yuan), and it is necessary to participate in the 400 yuan self funded project.

2. One night at Yanji Hotel: 146 yuan

3. Jilin Yanbian round trip train ticket: 155 yuan

4. Eating, drinking and others: it depends on the actual situation

5. As for the exchange of RMB rubles, domestic tour guides will exchange them for you in the car. Although there will be a price difference for tour guides, for this kind of three-day tour in Russia, it doesn't cost much rubles overseas, so I will exchange them directly with the tour guides. If it doesn't cost, the tour guides will exchange RMB for you.

3、 Actual cost

The total is 1800 yuan

4、 Enter the history of Vladivostok

Vladivostok (Russian: Владивосток, English: Vladivostok is located in the east of Eurasian continent and the southernmost tip of Amur peninsula. Vladivostok, formerly known as Vladivostok, was a territory of China in the Qing Dynasty and was assigned to Jilin general. On November 14, 1860, China Russia Beijing treaty ceded Vladivostok, including Vladivostok, to Russia, which named it Vladivostok, meaning "Oriental ruler" or "Zhendong government".

Vladivostok is now the most important city in the Russian Far East, and also the headquarters of the Russian Pacific Fleet, the second largest fleet of the Russian navy. The total population is about 600000 (2010), mainly Russians or Chinese Russians. The climate is mainly temperate continental humid climate, with annual average high temperature of 8.38 ° C, average low temperature of 1.38 ° C and average precipitation of 797mm.

5、 Travel with Dazhi

Dear friends, although I only use pictures to capture the most glorious bits of Vladivostok, if you are also intoxicated with them, it will achieve my expected effect.

Don't talk too much. Let's go to America——


At about 7:00 a.m., Yanji will set out to Hunchun (120 km, 1 hour and 40 min) changlingzi port (14 km and 20 min), and then go through the exit formalities at the port. After customs clearance, Yanji will pass through kraskino town of Russia to slavyanka town (120 km, 1 hour and 30 min), and then take a tour bus to Vladivostok, the capital of Russia's coastal frontier district (200 km and 4 hours), Arrive at the destination late and stay in the hotel after dinner.

Hunchun international passenger station

As soon as I cross the border, I see a large area of grassland in Russia, which is in sharp contrast to the fact that every inch of soil in China has to be planted with food crops!

8: Around 30, we arrive at slavyanka, a small seaside town in Russia. It is 4 hours' drive away from Vladivostok, the second largest city in the Far East of Russia, and 1 hour's ride by speedboat. The location is very advantageous. Because slavyanka is the center of Hassan District, the coastal frontier region of the Russian Federation, it is necessary to know about Hassan district. The lower reaches of Tumen River in Russia is Hassan District in the coastal frontier of the Russian Federation, which is located in the southwest of the coastal frontier. It is located in the border zone of China, Russia and North Korea. In the southwest, it faces Xianfeng County of North Xianjing road of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea across the river, and in the northwest, it is connected by land with Hunchun city of Jilin Province of the people's Republic of China. It covers an area of 4130.3 square kilometers, accounting for 1 / 400 of the total area of the border area, and has a population of 46700 (in 1990), accounting for 1 / 48 of the population of the border area. The center of Hassan district is located in slavyanka Town, 227 km on land and 55 km on sea from Vladivostok, the center of coastal frontier district. Hassan district is one of the 25 coastal border areas (equivalent to China's counties). It has five urban towns (Zarubino Town, kraskino Town, boshet Town, Primorsky Town, slavyanka town) and eight villages. It's one of the warmest places in Russia's Far East and coastal frontier.

In this restaurant opened by the Chinese boss in slavyanka Town, this is the best meal on this Russian trip

After lunch, I took pictures of little beauties and handsome boys in the neighborhood near the restaurant. The two beauties in the first picture are teaching me Russian, ha ha~~~

Here you can go through the boarding procedures and take a speedboat to Vladivostok in Russia in one hour

Small Town Wharf

Marine vehicle -- speedboat

Small town scenery

After lunch, I didn't take a boat, but took a bus. After nearly five hours, I finally arrived at my destination, Vladivostok.

The bus drives into the city and captures the street view

The dinner was eaten in this Chinese restaurant. The boss is very good. He made the worst group meal in my life. So far, there is no one coming!

On the way to the hotel after dinner

When staying in a hotel, there is a three-star logo

After the guide assigned the rooms, we put down our bags and went shopping around the hotel.

Tanks in the park

Sculpture in the park

Vladivostok cinema

The beauty was asking for directions in English. At that time, we were looking for the supermarket. The handsome man was very polite and gave us directions warmly

On the way, I met many Russian men walking with a bottle of wine to drink without any food or wine

Compare the prices in Russia. At that time, the exchange rate of RMB ruble was 1 yuan RMB, which could be converted to 5.36 rubles. Convert it yourself

(29 may 2014, 1 RMB = 5.7170 russian rubles). I wanted to take more pictures in the supermarket, but it was forbidden by the clerk.

When I bought an ice cream and took a picture in front of the supermarket, a few young drunkards came to us and said something loudly, don't let us take pictures here or... Evacuate quickly!

Russian buildings and streets can be seen everywhere in the repair, the guide said that their project progress is very slow, this is a slow pace of the country

After all, in a foreign country, drunkards can be seen everywhere. It's dark, so you'd better go back to the hotel and have a rest.

Have a look at the hotels in Russia. There are two rooms in one door

Two rooms

The bathroom is outside the guest room

The TV should be 14 inches in size


At 7:00 a.m. in Vladivostok, after breakfast, visit the city, Lenin square, Vladivostok inland railway station, World War II locomotive monument, 9288 Siberian Railway Terminal Monument (visit the above scenic spots for 1 hour); Victory Square 30 minutes; Ship station wharf, world famous ice free port "Jinjiao port", World War II meritorious submarine (C-56) Museum, view the location of the Pacific Naval Command building (the above attractions visit for 50 minutes). After lunch, watch the highest point of Far East Polytechnic University and panoramic view of haishenwei for 20 minutes. In the afternoon, return to the hotel for free activities, and stay in the hotel after dinner.

The next morning, I went to the supermarket outside the hotel to buy water. As a result, I bought brackish soda water. If you travel to Russia, you should pay attention to it!

lenin square

Lenin square is opposite the railway station, and a bronze statue of Lenin stands in the center. The bronze statue was built on November 7, 1980. Its left hand holds the cap tightly behind and its right hand points forward. The shape is dynamic and full of romantic passion. It symbolizes "looking forward to the future, clear direction". After the collapse of the former Soviet Union, many statues of Lenin were demolished, but the bronze statue is still intact, which shows that people here still respect that period of history.

The statue of Lenin in Lenin square has a bird on its head. After waiting for a long time, it didn't fly away, so we have to take it like this, ha ha~~~

train station

Vladivostok railway station is 9288km long, starting from Moscow in the West and the terminal of Siberian Railway in the east of Russia. In 1891, the Tsar's crown prince, later Tsar Nicholas II, presided over the commencement ceremony of the Siberian Railway in Vladivostok, and laid the first cornerstone for the Vladivostok railway station. On the front wall of the waiting hall are inlaid with the national emblem of Russia and the regional emblem of the coastal frontier region made of mosaic materials. On both sides are the emblem of Moscow and the medal of George, which symbolizes the invincible battle in the battlefield. The ceiling of the hall is painted with oil paintings reflecting the folk customs and famous buildings along the Siberian railway.

Vladivostok inland port railway station

In the railway station, the top is decorated with Russia's national emblem, double headed eagle

The 9288 Siberian Railway shows that the distance from Vladivostok to Moscow is 9288 km

I'm discussing with my guide why Russians live a short life

Life expectancy in Russia: at the end of the former Soviet Union, the average life expectancy in Russia was 64 years in 1989 and 57 years in 1994. It rose slightly to 61 in 1998 and dropped to 60 in 1999. In August 2005, the average life expectancy of Russian citizens was 65.4 years old, of which only 58.8 years for men and 72 years for women. Suicide and alcoholism are the main causes of short life.

In the railway station

steam locomotive

On one side of the platform of Vladivostok railway station is a newly painted steam locomotive. This kind of steam locomotive was designed by Soviet engineers during World War II. It was built in the United States and then transported to the Soviet Union by sea. During World War II, it undertook an important and arduous transportation mission, and was used on the Siberian Railway until 1963. In 1995, the Russian government set up the monument in kind. To celebrate the 50th anniversary of the victory of World War II and to commemorate the railway workers who worked hard during the war.

Sea terminal

Built in 1965, the maritime terminal is a modern new building, which is located behind the railway station and almost integrated with the railway station. It is the terminal of Far East shipping company. Many goods are sent from here to ports in many countries in the world, and there are regular passenger flights to Japan and South Korea.

The world famous ice free port "Jinjiao port"

Siberian Flotilla Headquarters

The Pacific fleet is one of Russia's five largest fleets. Its scale is second only to Russia's North Sea fleet. It was stationed here in 1933. Pacific Fleet Command is the command hub of the whole fleet. Its office building looks like only nine floors, but there are eight floors below it, which is a 17 storey building.

Location of Pacific Naval Command building

Central Plaza (victory Plaza)

The full name of the central square is "Far East Soviet regime soldiers Memorial square", also known as Victory Square. It is the center of Vladivostok, where all kinds of large-scale activities are often held.

In the center of the square stands the Soviet soldier monument, which was built in 1961 and is the largest monument in the Far East. Its main body is a full-length statue of a Red Army soldier, holding the bugle in one hand and the red flag in the other, facing the sea, majestic, declaring the victory of the revolution. The towering marble pedestal is engraved with the words "soldiers fighting for the Soviet regime in the Far East, 1917-1922".

There are a group of sculptures on each side of the central axis of the monument, reflecting the fighting scene of 1917.

The vegetable market in the central square

At 8:40 in the morning, the market in the square is very lively

Many unknown granular fruits

Honey pollen

Don't know what it is

The dairy products should be good. Many members of the group bought them

Russia and Japan dance with seagulls in the sea

The destination of this trip is Vladivostok in the Far East of Russia. Among the self funded projects, I chose to feed and dance with seagulls in the sea of Japan by boat. After an hour's journey on the sea, I turned myself into a seagull, flying freely on the sea. The sea, the blue sky, the white clouds, the seagulls... That's a happy mood ~ ~ ~ ask the seagull, what do you want? Ask the cloud, how worried you are. Look at the tide and the tide, the waves rolling forever. Let the cloud fly with the seagulls to the end of the sky... With this romantic song of the cloud and the seagull, Please go to the sea of Japan with Dazhi and cheer up with seagulls~~~

Before boarding

Every tourist will send out a bag of Russian bread. Before the boat starts, the seagulls gather

Is it super beautiful that there are flying gulls on the seashore of Vladivostok?

I feed the seagulls while eating, ha ha~~~

Orthodox Church

Orthodox, also known as orthodox, is one of the three major Christian sects. There are more than 50 million believers in Russia. It is now the national religion of Russia. There are many orthodox churches in Vladivostok, among which Nikolay cathedral is the largest. It was built in 1907 for the soldiers who died in the memorial day and the Russian war. It was changed into a church in 1970 and is now the main church of Vladivostok Diocese of Russian Orthodox Church.

Orthodox Church

Triumphal Arch

The municipal government of Vladivostok built the triumphal arch on purpose in order to show respect for the crown prince Nicholas (who later became the last czar of Russia) who sailed to Russia on May 11, 1891. In 1927, the Arc de Triomphe of Prince Nicholas became a symbol of the Czarist system and was destroyed. In 2003, crown prince Nicholas was completely rebuilt.

The triumphal arch beside the Orthodox Church

This is Friday, July 22, 2011. It's a good day for Vladivostok to get married. In the Orthodox Church, at the Arc de Triomphe, we met some new couples. Later, we met some new couples at the highest point of Vladivostok. It seems that this trip is also a journey of sharing happiness!

It's super predestined with the new couple. Why do you say that? After decomposition

The wedding car passing Orthodox Church and submarine Museum

World War II meritorious submarine (C-56) Museum

This submarine museum was visited in less than ten minutes. It's very interesting to know the general structure of submarines.

Vladivostok's commanding height

After lunch, we took a coach to the commanding heights of Vladivostok. The commanding height is 192 meters above sea level. It is the highest point in the urban area of Vladivostok, overlooking the Golden Horn Bay and the panoramic view of the city. The famous far east Polytechnic University is built here.

An aerial view of the highest point of Vladivostok

The landscape on the commanding height

Vladivostok newlyweds usually go to the Orthodox Church, the Arc de Triomphe and the highest point of Vladivostok when they get married, so when we reach the highest point, we meet a couple of newlyweds, as well as those we met in the orthodox church before, ha ha~~~

This pair of beauties are either bridesmaids or the bride's run honey. Seeing me photographing them, they are still very cooperative

Isn't this couple who met in the Arc de Triomphe? It's them!

The bride invited me to take a picture with her. I have no choice but to cooperate, ha ha

The bridegroom invited me to take a picture with them

The Russians are very cheerful and generous. They are very cooperative when they see me taking pictures

As we went down the mountain, another wedding car came up

Street view, Vladivostok is a coastal mountain city, it is difficult to have flat ground, the streets have slope, the technology is not good, don't want to drive here.

There are handsome men and beautiful women everywhere. This is one of the shopping stores - Zijin jewelry store, and the other is chocolate tiger bone wine store


After the two shopping malls, lunch, about one o'clock on the end of the Vladivostok city tour, afternoon is free time. We went to the local supermarket and spent the rubles we didn't spend. In the evening, I went back to the hotel and saw the Russian wedding banquet. Russian wedding is very simple no matter from the team or the wedding banquet. It feels like a big party with family members and best friends. It's worth learning from Chinese people.

In the supermarket, I saw a lot of Chinese products


After breakfast, take the speedboat back to slavyanka Town, and take the international bus back to Yanji.

Morning Vladivostok after breakfast

Where to take a speedboat

Such beautiful scenery has become a symbol of my memories of Vladivostok in the future

The place to take the speedboat is close to the railway line, and the tall building is the Pacific Naval Command building

Russian beauty

Beautiful and handsome couple

Let me see you again

International bus in small town

So far, my trip to Vladivostok has come to an end. This trip has been nearly three years, but whenever I recall it, it will make me feel so wonderful and wonderful!

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