Days: 1 day

How to play: food, culture, freedom

The author went to these places

Red Square

The Kremlin


Moscow University

Tomb of Lenin

Moscow Metro

Tomb of the unknown martyr

Cathedral of Christ the Savior

Tsar gun

Moscow River

Cathedral Square

Church of the twelve apostles

Ivan the great bell tower

Sha Huangzhong

Cathedral of the Annunciation

Angel Cathedral

arbat street

Pushkin House Museum

National Museum of history

Kazansky Sobor

Manish square

Tverskaya Street

Sparrow mountain

Alexander Garden

Published at 11:04, March 20, 2013

It took only ten minutes to decide to take part in the trip, but it took two months to prepare. I went to the library several times to read some related books, and my head was filled with words like Tatar, Tsar, Dagong, Baltic Sea and so on. Every Chinese with a little age has a special feeling for the Soviet Union that he can't explain clearly. Once familiar terms such as red square, Kremlin, winter palace and October Revolution have been turned out and reviewed again.

Arriving in Moscow is dusk, K19 arrived at yaroslavsky railway station. When you get out of the station, you can see the big red m sign of the subway station. It's the rush hour. There are long lines in front of the ticket window. The Russian aunts don't know English. Fortunately, a beautiful woman who knows English acts as an interpreter in the line. They can buy the subway tickets (28 rubles each). The Russians are very patient. We spend a lot of time because of the language barrier, No one in the long line behind complained. When you get out of the subway station, you can see the Russian National Library, which is the second largest library in the world. However, the most striking sign on the library building is the "three stars" billboard. The erosion of commercialization is everywhere. The statue of Dostoevsky is at the door,

The lady with the street hair flyer was very conscientious and immediately came to hand out the flyer. The party couldn't find the north. Xiao Na took the house address printed on the booking to ask for directions. A couple of beautiful men and women who seemed to be lovers enthusiastically pointed the way. Looking at us still at a loss, they simply led the way directly. According to the instructions on the booking, our fresh hostel was not far from the subway station, But they walked with us for nearly an hour before they arrived at fresh hostel. Although they walked around for a long time and were very tired with their luggage, they were grateful to the warm-hearted people. In order to express our gratitude, they sent them two bags of tea, and they were very happy to accept it. The Russians were not so indifferent as the legend said.

After settling down the luggage, I can't wait to go to red square. After a ten minute walk, I saw the Red Square I've seen countless times in the photo. I was excited and walked around red square. Because there was an activity in the square, the forbidden line was pulled. Since we couldn't get in, we were tired and planned to have a good Russian meal. But now it began to rain and it was getting worse and worse, and there was no sign of stopping, The real hunger and cold, the rain to eat the enthusiasm of the meal quenched, ran into the supermarket shelter, by the way bought milk bread, to Moscow's first meal so to send.

Back to fresh Hostel, everyone took turns to take a bath. I didn't take a bath for six days on the train. Today I have to wash well. Accommodation in Moscow is very expensive. We live in a room of ten people, and each bed costs 600 rubles. Hostel is very clean, so we need to take off our shoes to enter. Like the domestic youth travel service, we provide clean sheets, quilt covers and pillowcases. We can change them by ourselves. The public bathroom and toilet are very clean. The bed is very soft, just like there is no spring. When we lie on it, the whole person is trapped in the mattress.

History of Moscow: Moscow was built in 1147, and the founder of Moscow was Yuri dokaluru, the Archduke of Vladimir. His memorial has been standing in the square in front of the Moscow municipal government. From the 15th century to the 18th century, Moscow was the capital of Czarist Russia. In 1547, Ivan IV, the Grand Duke of Moscow, was crowned Tsar and built the Kremlin. The Grand Duchy of Moscow gradually developed into the political, economic, cultural and religious center of northeast Russia, leading other Duchess to get rid of the rule of Mongolian Tatar, making Russia an independent country. To commemorate the victory over the Tatar army in Kashan in 1552, Ivan the great ordered the construction of Vasili cathedral. In 1712, Peter the great moved his capital to St. Petersburg, but Moscow is still Russia's largest economic, political and cultural center, still playing the role of Russia's second capital. Moscow University, Russia's first university, was established in 1755. After the French army led by Napoleon occupied Moscow in 1812, the famous "Moscow fire" in history destroyed three quarters of the city. As for the fire, some people say that it was done by the Russians themselves, and it was a "scorched earth policy"; The famous book war and peace is attributed to the carelessness of the French army. Anyway, the fire shattered Napoleon's dream. In 1813, Moscow Urban Construction Committee was established, and large-scale urban reconstruction began. In 1851, the railway was opened. In December 1922, Moscow officially became the capital of the Soviet Union and the capital of the first socialist country in the world, namely the union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Lenin died in 1924 and was buried in the tomb of Lenin. After that, Stalin led the people in socialist construction and made great achievements. Moscow subway, known as underground art palace, was opened at that time. During the period from October 1941 to January 1942, the Soviet Army defended Moscow, its capital, and later fought against the German army, which was the famous Moscow defense war. It broke the myth that the German army was invincible, laid the foundation for the fundamental reversal of the war situation, and thus became the "myth of a winter" in the 20th century. There are famous tombs of unknown martyrs on Red Square to commemorate the unknown heroes who died in the anti fascist war. On December 21, 1991, the Soviet Union disintegrated and Moscow became the capital of the Russian Federation. In 1994, the Cathedral of Christ the Savior began to be rebuilt.

September 29th: according to the plan, we have three days in Moscow. On the first day, of course, we will go to the most important Kremlin and red square. The Kremlin is located on the bolovitsky hills on the Bank of the Moscow river. From all angles, it is the center of Moscow. The Kremlin is not only the most magnificent imperial residence, but also a strong fortress. It also has a large collection of cultural relics. The Kremlin is a symbol of Russia's power, and President Putin works in the Kremlin. All the roads in Moscow point to the Kremlin. Together with red square, it forms the most charming scenery in Moscow today, which makes tourists from all over the world forget to return.

Located on the east side of the Kremlin, red square has a reputation comparable to Tiananmen Square, but it is not as big as expected. It covers an area of 91000 square meters, only about one fifth of Tiananmen Square. The ground is very unique. It is all paved with stones, which is ancient and sacred. Stepping into red square is equal to stepping into the door of Russia's spiritual home. Everything in red square also represents the long history of the Russian nation. Red Square is the oldest square in Moscow. Although it has been rebuilt, it still remains the same. The road surface is still the stone of the past, which has been polished smooth and uneven by the sole of shoes. Today, when you stroll in the square, you can experience the great Russian national history and the glory of the past.

When we got to the ticket office, we didn't start selling tickets. There were already some people queuing outside. The Kremlin ticket was 350 rubles. To enter the Kremlin, you need to go through the security check. Tourists like weaving through the checkpoint of kutafiata, cross the Sansheng bridge, pass through the gate of Sansheng tower, and then enter the Kremlin. The Kremlin is divided into government office area and tourist area (namely Church Square). The government office area is not open to tourists and must not be crossed.

Czarist gun: this 16th century Czarist gun, 5.35 meters long, 40 cm in diameter and 40 tons in weight, was originally used to guard the Moscow river ferry and the Kaspersky gate, but it has never been fired. The shells in front of the guns, each weighing one ton.

Notre Dame Cathedral, with five golden helmet domes and four semicircular Gables facing the square. It used to be Russia's national church cathedral, where successive czars were crowned. Whether from the perspective of religious or historical values, the Cathedral of Notre Dame is incomparable. In the 12th century, a wooden church stood on the site. In 1475, Ivan III, who defeated the Mongol army, decided to build a stone church, which was completed four years later. The cathedral not only shows the architectural style of ancient Russia, but also preserves many murals and icon paintings which can be called the treasures of Russian religious art. A striking 1760s mural of the Virgin Mary on the front door faces the Cathedral Square, which was once used for the entrance and exit of the Royal Guard of honor. On the walls and roofs of the church, there are many holy images and color relief murals. It is said that there are about 1000 saints in the holy images. The image of St. Georgi in the 12th century, the image of the Holy Trinity in the 13th-14th century and the famous virgin of Vladimir are all preserved here.

The Archbishop of Moscow, and later the Archbishop of the Russian Orthodox Church, all rest in this church, with their graves arranged along the wall. This church also played a very important role in Russian political life. It was the place where the Russian princes swore allegiance to the Archduke of Moscow. After "Ivan Reid" added the title of "tsar" to himself, it became the church where the tsar was crowned. To the south, there is also the throne of Ivan IV with exquisite wood carvings built in 1551. The Silver Chandelier in the church is said to have been built to celebrate the recovery of 300 kg of gold and 5 tons of silver looted by Napoleon's army, but it was not photographed.

Bishop's palace and the Church of the twelve apostles: the religious reform in Russia in the 16th century led to the oppression and migration of "old believers", and the original status of archbishop was replaced by Bishop. In 1652, the powerful bishop Nikon expanded his residence and built the Bishop's palace, which is next to the Church of the twelve apostles. The biggest feature of the Church of the twelve apostles is the 280 square meter arched roof hall, which is completely without column support. These buildings should now be museums, displaying 17th century works of life and religion.

The clock tower of Ivan the great was built between 1733 and 1735. It is 81 meters high and used to be the tallest building in Moscow. With two golden domes, it is the tallest building in the Kremlin. On the right side of it is the world's heaviest clock, the Czar's clock, known as the king of clocks and the world's largest, weighing 200 tons. It is a masterpiece of Russian foundry art and a priceless treasure in the Kremlin. The clock is 6.14 meters high, the maximum diameter of its mouth is 7 meters, and the thickest part of its wall is 0.67 meters. There is a cross at the top of the bell, and the outer wall is carved with exquisite patterns and patterns. These sculptures are still clear, eye-catching and lifelike. When the unfortunate Zhong Wang Gang was cast in the mold, a big fire reduced the clock factory to ashes, and the big clock broke in the fire, causing a huge piece of copper weighing 11 tons to fall off from the clock body. The big clock was buried in the ruins. It was not until 100 years later that Czar Nicholas ordered it to be dug up and transported to the Kremlin. Because there is a crack in the bell, it becomes dumb. People have never heard its sound, they can only watch its exquisite shape.

Notre Dame Cathedral, the private Church of the royal family. At first, it had only three domes and an open gallery around three sides. Ivan Reid added six domes, set up chapels in every corner, and gilded the roof.

Archangel cathedral: also known as the angel Cathedral, Archangel Michael cathedral. It's an Orthodox Church. Since 1340, it has been the burial ground for Moscow's dukes and nobles. Ivan III, who was about to die in 1505, ordered the construction of the angel Cathedral here, which took three years to complete. Compared with other churches, the mural decoration here is low-key and rigorous. Most visitors to the angel Cathedral want to see the coffin of "terror Ivan". In addition, on the left side of the front column, there is a ornate coffin, which is the coffin of his own son who was killed by "terror Ivan" in his rage. The archangel cathedral is the most unique building in the church square. It was built in the early 16th century. It combines the style characteristics of the Russian traditional head cross vaulted church and Italian Renaissance architecture to create a new architectural form. This building not only shows the most abundant Italian characteristics of the "Italian period" of the Kremlin, but also represents the return to the traditional form of the Russian Large Cross Church. A series of cornices, arches and pilasters separate the external walls one by one, and the theme of "sea fan" makes the wall more prominent.

Kremlin Palace: the most eye-catching view of the Kremlin from the other side of the Moscow River is the Kremlin Palace with yellow and white walls, in addition to the golden roof of the church. It was ordered by Czar Nicholas I in 1837. It took 12 years to build it so that the royal family living in the capital St. Petersburg could have a place in Moscow. In fact, in the past, the royal family seldom came here, but now it is only used to receive foreign guests.

Duoleng Palace: the name of Duoleng palace comes from many prismatic carvings on the east wall. This is the oldest stone palace in the Kremlin. The most spectacular part of the palace is the banquet hall full of murals. When the Czar ascended the throne, he walked slowly down the red staircase on the south side to the Notre Dame cathedral where the ceremony was held. Unfortunately, the original building was destroyed in 1930, and the present palace was rebuilt in 1994.

The church square surrounded by the church is the center of the Kremlin. The area of the church square itself is not very large. It is the oldest square in Russia. It was built in the 15th century. Because all the buildings around are churches, it gets its name. Since the Czar's time, this is the place where Russian Orthodox held ceremonies, the emperor was crowned and foreign envoys were received. At 11 a.m. on Saturdays, there will be a change of duty ceremony for the infantry and cavalry of the presidential guard and a military band performance in the church square. We stayed in the Kremlin for a long time to watch the ceremony.

2012 is the year of tourism between China and Russia. Tour groups can go to Russia free of visa. Before they set out, they expected to meet many compatriots in major scenic spots. In fact, there are more domestic tour groups to Russia than they thought. Domestic tour groups can be seen in large and small scenic spots. Of course, there are also many free travelers with LP. The performance of the presidential guard is very wonderful every weekend. The traditional Russian infantry and cavalry perform various complicated formation changes and post changing performances accompanied by the music played by the presidential military band. They have to take photos and video, and they are really in a hurry.

After watching the performance, we decided to have a big lunch to make up for the regret of last night's dinner. I chose a restaurant which was a little remote and looked at the environment and atmosphere. Although I was psychologically prepared, I was surprised when I saw the menu. It was really not cheap. I asked for the cheapest two sets of meals, with very little rice. In addition, a small lump of rice costs 200 rubles, and the money for this small lump of rice can eat a steak in Xiamen.

It took a long time for lunch. Some people took time off to read microblogs, while others took the opportunity to take a nap and go shopping. Arbat street is a famous pedestrian street in the center of Moscow, close to the Moscow river. It is one of the symbols of Moscow. At first, there were craftsmen and merchants living in albard street, which became a prosperous district at the end of the 18th century. Now the name albard refers to a small street that has become a pedestrian street in recent years. In the past, it was a neighborhood in Moscow with a history of more than 500 years. Albard street can be divided into "new" and "old". The old Arbat is a folk pedestrian street, while the new Arbat is a modern commercial street.

The famous poet Pushkin has lived in this street since 1830. Pushkin's former residence is located at 53 albard street. Now, it has become a famous museum of Pushkin's former residence, and has restored the original appearance of the poet when he lived more than 100 years ago. Opposite Pushkin's former residence, stands a bronze sculpture of the poet and Natalia. It was specially made in 1999 to commemorate the poet's 200th birthday. The statue is basically created according to their original appearance. Pushkin wore a tuxedo, natural and romantic, and Natalia wore a wedding dress with a beautiful face. The happy expression on the two faces seems to record the situation of the wedding.

It used to be a paradise for artists and painters. There are many ancient buildings preserved here. Small shops on the street one by one, a wide range of goods. The artists who paint on the street are an immortal landscape in albard street. Street painters draw portraits for tourists on the street, sell paintings such as Russian birch and pine forest, and street musicians are playing music for pedestrians.

Shopping is always very tiring. After visiting albard street, go back to fresh hostel for a rest and go out again two hours later. It's almost dusk, and the police have been guarding every intersection to red square. Are you going to be stopped outside red square like last night? With the flow of people around a big circle, finally can enter the Red Square. There are many people waiting to see the performance in the square. They can't understand what the huge advertisement says about the celebration. They can only see that the celebration was held from September 28 to October 2. We just caught up with it. It's really lucky. Some staff are raising a dozen giant balloons. Originally, the forbidden line was only used to limit the number of people entering the site, not to impose any martial law.

The National Museum of history is one of the oldest museums in Moscow, built in 1872-1883. Ten years later, the museum added a Russian attic like roof with several small towers and other decorations. Now every small ancient tower has the national emblem of Russia on the roof - double headed eagle. All of these add Russian national color to the building and become a prominent symbol of the museum.

The Cathedral of Notre Dame in Kazan was built to commemorate the defeat of the Polish Army invasion in 1612. It is said that a 9-year-old girl dreamt that the virgin told her that the statue was buried under the ruins of Kazan, and the name of the church came from it. It was also demolished by Stalin in 1936. The present Cathedral of Notre Dame in Kazan was rebuilt in 1993 after the original one.

Gumm national department store is located on the east side of Red Square, behind the Kremlin“ "Gumm" means "national department store" in Russian. Gumm department store is not only the representative of new Russian architectural style, but also the largest shopping mall in Russia and one of the largest stores in Europe. The building is 500 meters long and covers an area of 70000 square meters. At the beginning of the 16th century, this shopping mall was originally a tsar's palace. It was rebuilt more than 100 years ago to be used as a shopping mall for upper class nobles. Before the October Revolution, it was called "Shangshi". Today's department store was rebuilt in 1953 on the basis of the site of the factory built in 1893. The interior decoration is mainly European style, with marble floor, transparent dome of crystal glass, granite and exterior wall, and detailed decoration of gold wire and brass. The bright, elegant and magnificent style shapes the perfect Utopian image of Gumm department store. Such a unique and beautiful department store, even if you don't buy anything, you have to go for a walk, a stroll, a look, and have a good taste and insight.

Known as the "myth of a stone", St. Vasili cathedral is one of the most famous churches in Russia. It is located in the south of Red Square. It was built in 1560 by Ivan the great in memory of the victory over the Kazan Tatar army. The name of the church is based on the name of Vassili, a monk whom Ivan the great trusted at that time. The central tower is 46 meters high and has nine golden onion shaped church tops. These nine church roofs were not built at the beginning, but were added separately later. The unique architectural style of St. Vassily's Cathedral is admired by people all over the world. But who knows that there is a tragic story hidden in this beautiful building. When St. Vassily's Cathedral was built, Ivan Reid, the tyrannical czar in power at that time, was extremely surprised and deeply shocked by the beauty of the church. In order not to let other places have the same beautiful buildings, He ordered the architect's eyes to be removed, so that he could no longer design the same beautiful and exquisite building, leaving only the St. Vassily Cathedral for people to enjoy.

The platform, commonly known as the guillotine, is a round platform surrounded by stone railings in front of St. Vassily's Cathedral. The Russians call it "Lobnoye Meister". In the past, it was a place to preach to the masses and read out the Czar's orders. At the same time, it is also the place where capital punishment is carried out. The execution is carried out under the stage, and the execution order and the criminal's charge are read out on the stage. It was here that Stephan Racine, the leader of the peasant uprising, was killed. The historical charm here is too heavy.

All of a sudden, a rare sunset appeared in the originally gloomy sky. With the last touch of sunset receding, it became dark. The balloon performance in the square began. Advanced light and shadow technology interpreted the modern evolution story of the earth from the wild ancient to the highly civilized in the giant balloon. The performance is quite wonderful, attracting a large number of citizens and tourists to watch. There are several performances in one night.

After watching the show, we were really hungry and cold, and learned from the high price lunch at noon. We decided to have dinner at the food center on the third floor of Gumm national department store. The price of this good dinner was one third of that of lunch. After dinner, we went to this super shopping mall.

Walking back to fresh hostel through Red Square, the balloon show in the square is still going on. It is estimated that it will be the last one today. The number of people entering the square is no longer controlled. They get together in twos and threes to chat. It's very cold in the open air. International metropolis is not the same, late at night, the road is still blocked, the sidewalk is crowded, unable to move, as if the whole city people are in this street.

Kremlin tickets 350 lunch 470 toothpaste 75 dinner 143 ice cream 100

September 30: today is still in the center of the city.

In Russian, "Manish" means riding and training horses. The central exhibition hall on the west side of the square used to be a horse training ground. Later people called it "Manish". The building of the central exhibition hall was built in 1817. At that time, it was the place where the court sergeants practiced equestrian skills. Later, it was transformed into an exhibition hall. Manish square is the starting point of Tver street. To the west of it, you can see the former site of the international hotel and Moscow University. Most of the faculties of Moscow University, founded in 1755, have moved to the new campus in Mt. sparrow. Only the faculties of Asian and African countries remain here.

The tomb of the unknown martyr was built to commemorate the unsung heroes who died in the anti fascist war. It was built before the victory festival in 1967. It's in Alexandria garden outside the red wall of the Kremlin. On the scarlet marble mausoleum facing north and east-west are soldiers' helmets and cinnamon sticks lying flat on the battle flag. This composition was determined in 1975 when the Soviet Union celebrated the 30th anniversary of the victory of the patriotic war. The shape is simple and clear, and the implication is solemn and profound. There is a convex five-star torch in front of the tomb. The flame from the center of the five-star torch has never been extinguished since it was built. It symbolizes the spirit of the martyrs and shines on the world forever. The blue marble ground in front of the torch is engraved with an inscription: "no one knows your name, and your merits are immortal." Two glass sentries were placed on both sides of the tomb. In front of the two glass sentries stood two solemn armed guards, guarding the martyrs day and night. This is the "first post in the country" known to women and children in Russia. It is said that this "first post" was originally located in front of Lenin's tomb. I don't know when it was moved here. The most eye-catching is the hourly shift ceremony. On the right side of the tomb of the unknown martyr stands a row of stone tablets along the wall of the Kremlin, under which are stored soil collected from Leningrad, Kiev, Minsk, Stalingrad, Sevastopol, Odessa, Kerch, novosisco, Murmansk, Brest fortress, Tula and Smolensk. Each stone tablet is engraved with the name of the city and the embossed design of the medal of Venus.

When you come to red square again, the scenery during the day is very different from that at night. If you look around, it is surrounded by the walls of gum shopping mall, St. Vassily cathedral and Kremlin.

Minning and bozarsky Memorial minning was originally a businessman. Bozarsky was a nobleman at that time. In 1612, the Russian czar had no real power. Minning and bozarsky organized a volunteer army to defeat the invading Polish army, expel the Polish army from Russia and liberate Moscow. In memory of them, in 1812, designed by Ivan Maltes, the statues of minning and pozalski were built in front of Vassily cathedral. The statues are made of bronze, one standing with his right hand pointing to the distance, the other sitting looking up at the sky.

Yuanji is a K19 student who came to Moscow with us. When we arrived in Moscow and got off the train, we rushed to the school to report. Today is the Mid Autumn Festival. Early in the morning, Yuanji got in touch with Xiaona and played with us. I'm afraid we won't meet again after we parted. At noon, Yuanji invited you to have lunch in the food center on the third floor of GMU shopping mall, and also brought a cheap long-distance calling card he got from the Internet, so that you can make a safe call to your family. Thank you to Yuanji and hope that his study abroad will go well.

After lunch, we walked out of gum shopping mall and strolled aimlessly. The occasional sightseeing bus on the road attracted our attention. The double-layer bus body was painted bright red, which was very eye-catching. Taking a ride of 600 rubles, the sightseeing bus walked around the main scenic spots of the city along the Moscow river for about an hour, and could get on and off at any time in a day, We decided to take this kind of bus for sightseeing. Every seat on the bus is equipped with electronic voice explanation, in Russian and English, which is equivalent to no explanation to me. Later, I found this kind of double deck bus for sightseeing in St. Petersburg. It seems that Xiamen also has this kind of bus.

When waiting for a red light at a crossroad, I unexpectedly found that the advertisement of China Tourism Administration was on the roadside big screen. China's tourism promotion was very hard in 2012 Sino Russian tourism year, and I don't know how many Russians came to China for tourism. Anyway, we met many compatriots in Russia's major tourist attractions.

Christ's Savior Cathedral, located on the banks of the Moscow River, was rebuilt in 2000. It was originally built to commemorate the victory of the anti French war in 1812. At that time, it was originally planned to be built in Mt. sparrow, but after several twists and turns, it was finally decided to build it in the present place. The church started construction in 1838 and was completed in 1883. What we see now is that it was rebuilt in 2000. With a height of 103 meters, the church is one of the most magnificent buildings in Russia. After the October Revolution, it became the target of the government's suppression of religion. On December 5, 1931, Stalin ordered it to be bombed. He planned to build the Soviet palace, the world's tallest giant skyscraper, on the original site, but it was shelved due to the outbreak of the patriotic war. After the war, people did not continue to build the Soviet palace, which was built into a swimming pool under Khrushchev. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the Moscow government decided to rebuild it, which was completed in August 2000. There is a museum under the church, which shows the whole process of the church from being destroyed and then rebuilt by models, photos and other means. In addition, there are many introductions about the Orthodox Church. We just looked at this magnificent church on the sightseeing bus, but did not approach it.

Take the sightseeing bus around twice, get off at the nearest stop to albard street, and come to albard street again to eat Russian food at the famous mymy restaurant (pronounced "Mumu"). It's easy to find this restaurant with cow logo at the door. There are two shops at the end of albard street. You can choose them first and then check out. After eating, everyone agreed that it was not as delicious as the legend.

We will take the train at 20:20 p.m. to St. Petersburg. The departure time is 21:20 p.m. and we will arrive at St. Petersburg at 05:00 tomorrow morning. The tickets are reserved in advance in China. Except for a few key words, we can't understand them. There are no seats in the sleeping berths of Russian trains. The carriage is like a transformer. The seats in the aisle are laid down and flattened to form a bunk. Our bunks are two opposite bunks. The upper and lower bunks in the aisle are a pair of Russian mothers and sons. When they get on the train, they see them eating all the time. After getting on the train, you should make your own bed cover, pillow cover and quilt cover. Before getting off the train, you should take down the used bedding and give it to the conductor.

September 30: in the morning, at the tomb of the unknown hero and Alexandria garden, yuan haiyunqiang has lunch. In the afternoon, a double deck bus, ticket 600, one hour per trip, dinner mymy213, subway to the railway station, subway ticket 30

October 5: I came back to Moscow again five days later. In order to save money, we took the night train to and from Moscow to St. Petersburg and spent the night in the sleeping car to save two days' accommodation. The time to arrive in Moscow is at 05:10 a.m. To be on the safe side, we waited in the waiting room until it was light, took the subway to the railway station in Belarus and bought the ticket for the airport express in the afternoon. Although 300 rubles per person is a little expensive, the advantage is punctuality and quickness. We should know that Moscow's traffic jam is not the first or the second in the world. If we can't catch up with the plane back home, it will be a big trouble.

Moscow is famous for its magnificent and luxurious buildings. The design of each station is like a palace, museum, church and art academy. It is an eye opening place for tourists. The Moscow subway, which is talked about by people, is very fast and deep, and the "underground palace" deserves its reputation. It is one of the largest subways in the world. It has been recognized as the most beautiful subway in the world and enjoys the reputation of "underground art palace". The subway station is decorated with large murals with different artistic styles, various reliefs and carvings, and various unique lighting. In addition to the national characteristics, the subway station is also built with the theme of celebrities, historical deeds and political events. At the same time, Moscow subway passes through the famous scenic spots in the city, which brings great convenience to tourists.

Take the subway directly to the Moscow University Station and walk along the Moscow river bank to the sparrow mountain in the direction of Moscow University. The total length of Moscow River is 502 km. It flows through the whole Moscow for about 80 km. The width of the river is generally 200 meters and the widest is 1 km. The scenery along the way is beautiful and unique. The scenery is so beautiful that no tourists on the road come across it. They hike to mount sparrow. The path is covered with red leaves, and the leaves are washed with rain. Mt. sparrow is a famous scenic spot. The viewing platform is located on Mt. sparrow, facing the main entrance of Moscow University, overlooking the Moscow River, the main stadium of the 80 Olympic Games, the new Notre Dame cemetery and the Kremlin. The central axis of the main building is aiming at the Kremlin, but it is far away. Several tourist buses come to the viewing platform soon, All of them are tour groups from China. The vendors on the roadside begin to shout business with simple Chinese words. Because of the bad weather, the city is not very clear.

Moscow University was built in September 1953 on the sparrow mountain in the southwest of Moscow. It is a typical Stalin building. The 32 story main building, including the 55 meter spire, has a total height of 240 meters and a five pointed star logo on the top; On both sides are 18 storey sub buildings, each with a 9-meter-diameter clock. The whole building is magnificent.

Moscow airport is not big. The security check is very careful. Everyone has to take off their shoes to check. It's fast. There are very few seats in the waiting room. The tour group members who come back from the same plane complain that they can only sit on the ground. There is no free drinking water in the airport. Bottled water is surprisingly expensive, and the cheapest is 300 rubles.

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