• When I went to Ningbo on May Day

  • The family school is elegant and formal

  • Yaohang Street Catholic Church

  • After breakfast the next day

  • When I went to Ningbo on May Day, it had been several months in the blink of an eye. When I went to Qingdao, my mother was still thinking about the seafood she had eaten in Zhoushan. My husband said, it's not easy. Going to Ningbo is a matter of every minute. If you want to go any weekend, just go again. I remember the Spring Festival of 13 years. I went to Ningbo with my husband once. The route was different from this time. I took the route of "Ningbo Zhoushan (when I arrived, I returned, I didn't play) - Ningbo Xuedou mountain Siming Mountain Shengzhou Ningbo Shanghai". This route is very suitable for people like my husband who love driving, because they spend most of their time in the car watching the beautiful scenery in the mountains. Here's a tip for Qiuming mountain fans who love Kaishan Road: Although Xuedou mountain requires that they can't drive up the mountain, and all tourists have to take buses in the scenic area, this mountain road is not a special road for the scenic area. There are ski resorts on the mountain, villages in the mountain, and it can lead to Siming Mountain, Shaoxing Shengzhou and so on. So we were stopped when we drove into the mountain. I asked the traffic management, How to get to Siming Mountain? He let it go. It took seven or eight hours to drive on the mountain road. At noon, we arrived at the bottom of the intersection of Xuedou mountain and Siming Mountain. The sun was bright and the streams were murmuring. On the way to Siming Mountain, we met the moving snow scenery - the heavy snow covered the trees on both sides the night before. At this time, the wind was blowing, and the snow was falling down on the long driveway, So far, it's hard for me to forget. So this time I changed my direction and went to Zhoushan to see the sea. It should be a different scenery. PS, Ningbo and Zhoushan are two cities. If you want to navigate or search in different regions, you should distinguish them clearly. PPS, near the old Bund in Ningbo, there is a very shameless illegal setting, please pay attention to self driving friends!!! We were fined 200 for no reason. Fortunately, by chance, it didn't sink any more. Later, I will talk about the old Bund in detail.

    Let's take care of the last three days and two nights in Ningbo. The overall itinerary is very relaxed, no expensive scenic spots, purely leisure food tour, no physical effort. Even if we have 60 elders and some babies who can't walk, we can go all the way, let alone other people. Along the way, I visited several classic cultural and historical landmarks in Ningbo City. From Ningbo to Zhoushan and then to Zhujiajian, I passed by a small island. The scenery was surprisingly good, especially the seafood of Shenjiamen, which reminds me that I still covet it. The first day from Shanghai to Ningbo, the next day from Ningbo to Zhoushan, night stay at Zhujiajian, the third day back to Ningbo, then back to Shanghai.


    Yintaidi Museum


    ningbo museum


    Yuehu Park


    Tianyi Square



    Zhoushan Panshan coastal highway


    I started at 4 in the morning. I was worried about the traffic jam on the expressway, but it was very smooth because it was early. I arrived in Ningbo before 8 o'clock. The distance between Shanghai and Ningbo is very close. Theoretically speaking, the distance from people's Square to Tianyi Square is 214.9 km / 2 hours and 30 minutes, and the road toll is about 90 yuan. However, the average driving time is at least one hour more than the map calculation, probably because of traffic jams in the urban area, traffic lights and other conditions, and there is no charge for Wuyi expressway. On the way from Shanghai to Ningbo, I will pass haitianyizhou, which is a viewing platform located about 1.7 km south of the South Channel Bridge of Hangzhou Bay Cross Sea Bridge. However, as far as I have passed many times, I feel that the sea is always steamy, and the water is yellow, just like mud. What's more incisive is everyone's evaluation, which is satirized as one of the representative works of typical Chinese dead money scenic spots. The glass around the parking lot under the tower is artificially covered with opaque paper, so that people can't see any scenery without going up the tower. Anyway, I don't recommend it. Just look at it on the bridge. Anyway, it will always be such muddy yellow water. The hotel in Ningbo is on the side of Town God's Temple. It can not be checked in the morning. First stop at the hotel and plan to go to Town God's Temple for dinner. Ningbo Town God's Temple, also known as Ningbo county temple, is one of the largest existing Town God's Temple in China. It is also a place where snacks are gathered along with Shanghai Town God's Temple or Nanjing Confucius temple. Be in full swing with my husband in Town God's Temple last year, husband's memory is fresh. Unexpectedly, when I got to the door, I found that the red lacquer door was closed, and a white paper was pasted on it, saying that yunyun had been renovated. In a word, it was closed. My husband is very sad.

    Town God Temple

    Town God Temple

    In the vicinity of Town God's Temple, they were building roads, so they did not even go to the tower of heaven near the last visit. Tianfeng tower is an ancient building in Ningbo, a famous historical and cultural city. There is also a legend that Ningbo is facing the turbulent East China Sea and the meeting place of three rivers. One year, Zhaobaoshan, Zhenhai, went out to make waves. Since then, Ningbo has often suffered from flooding. There is an old Mason in Siming Mountain who hates the evil of turtle essence. One morning, he suddenly saw the top of Siming Mountain shining with gold, so he climbed to the top of Siming Mountain. It turned out that a bright red gem was shining there. So he spent 7749 days chiseling the gem into a shining pearl. On that day, turtle and fish essence made waves again, flooding Ningbo City. The old stonecutter came down from Siming Mountain, holding a dazzling pearl. As soon as the turtle spirit saw the sword like treasure light, he fled to the bottom of the sea, and the treasure light finally killed it, and for a moment the waves were quiet. The old stonecutter was determined to build a tower in the center of Ningbo City to preserve the treasure. When people heard about it, they all came to take part and put the treasure on the highest floor. From then on, both the pagoda and the jewel were used as the objects to suppress evil spirits. I always write down these stories when I do the strategy, so that the guide can tell them to four tourists. It shows that I have done my best. But the reaction of these tourists: Dad: I'll go to the front to take photos, and you walk slowly. Mom: take a picture for me ~ husband: I'll see what's delicious next to me ~ it seems to have the smell of stinky tofu. Xiao Huang: Wow - wow——

    Town God Temple

    Yuehu Park

    Walk to the Moon Lake Park not far away, and walk about 1 km. The road is under construction. It's not easy to walk. Later, it was found that roads were being built all over Ningbo, and it was difficult to identify the direction where the three rivers were running parallel. The new area on the way back to Shanghai was a big construction site, and there was no road to connect it. I don't know if it's better now. Yuehu Lake was excavated in the reign of emperor Zhenguan of Tang Dynasty (636). In the reign of Shaoxing of Southern Song Dynasty, pavilions and pavilions were widely built and four seasons of flowers and trees were planted to form ten beautiful sceneries on Yuehu Lake: Zhuyu, yuedao and juhuazhou in the East, Huayu, Zhuzhou, Liuting and fangcaozhou in the middle, Yanyu, Xueting and furongzhou in the West. In addition, there are three dikes and seven bridges. Although these landscapes can not be matched one by one, the pavilions, bridges, banks, weeping willows and grass are still very beautiful.

    Yuehu Park

    Yuehu Park

    Yuehu Park

    Moreover, Yuehu park is also the academic center of eastern Zhejiang since Song and Yuan Dynasties. The Korean embassy site on the east bank is a historical witness of the past foreign exchanges and friendly exchanges between China and Korea. Buddhist Jushi forest is located in liutingzhou of Yuehu cultural scenic spot. The temples in the forest are majestic, solemn and pure. The rippling "release pool" and the exquisite "water cloud Pavilion" with flying eaves constitute a pleasant landscape. Among them, there are also modern buildings such as Jiang's house. These cultural sites are still available for tourists to visit.

    Yuehu Park

    Yuehu Park

    Yuehu Park

    Walking along the lake, I saw a group of magnificent ancient houses. I asked the old man at the gate that it was the Silver Terrace I had in my strategy. Located on the Bank of Yanyue dyke, Yintai No.1 official residence museum was built in 1823, the third year of Daoguang reign in Qing Dynasty. Tong Huai, its owner, once served as an inspector general of Jiangxi and Shandong provinces, and later served as Deputy Secretary of General Administration. According to the censor, it was also known as Zhentai, and the general secretary was also known as Yintai, so tongzhai was known as "Zhentai Di" and "Yintai Di". Tong Hua, the son of Tong Huai, walked into the South study as the right servant of the Ministry of rites. He was the teacher of Emperor Guangxu, and Tong's house was regarded as the former residence of the emperor. Yintaidi is located in the north facing south, facing the moon lake. There are hall, hall, main building, back hall and other buildings on the central axis. There are wing rooms and study buildings on the East and west sides, covering an area of about 2300 square meters. The architectural pattern is regular, the layout is reasonable, the materials are exquisite, and the decoration has a strong local style. It is a typical official residence in Ningbo City in the middle and late Qing Dynasty. You don't need to buy tickets to enter, just register information. After entering, I found that although it is a free scenic spot, it is well repaired and well managed, so it is worth visiting.

    Yintaidi official residence Museum

    The main building of yintaidi is completely preserved in the first phase of the construction project of Yuehu historical and cultural scenic spot, and restored according to the original appearance. Now through the scene display of the main hall, the present Baihua hall, the study, the conference hall, the family school, the banquet hall, the elegant play room, the bath room, the embroidery room, the bedroom, and the Buddhist hall, it comprehensively reflects the living environment, the home art, and the social and social relations contained in the families of the officials and scholars in this period, and embodies the ancient Chinese official house architecture art, the Qing Dynasty furniture art, the family art, the family art, the family art, the family art and the social relations The life of the official family and its intrinsic cultural value.

    Yintaidi official residence Museum

    The family school is elegant and formal.

    Yintaidi official residence Museum

    It should be decorated as a wine shop. No matter the layout, or the details of the utensils, it is painstaking.

    Yintaidi official residence Museum

    This seems to be a room for ladies to rest, simple and elegant.

    Yintaidi official residence Museum

    Open study.

    Yintaidi official residence Museum

    Maybe it's the Council hall, with a lot of Western things at that time.

    Yintaidi official residence Museum

    Yintaidi official residence Museum

    Miss's boudoir and embroidery room are extremely gorgeous and exquisite. Not to mention the big beds and cabinets carved with gold, even the wooden boxes on the tables are painted with gold, and what's hanging on the walls is not calligraphy, but Suzhou embroidery.

    Yintaidi official residence Museum

    Yintaidi official residence Museum

    Yintaidi official residence Museum

    Yintaidi official residence Museum

    Yintaidi official residence Museum

    Yintaidi official residence Museum

    A lot of artifacts, furnishings and details may be genuine antiques. Even if they are not, it takes a lot of effort to select them. If you go to Yuehu Park, you can't say it's worth the ticket price if you don't take a look. But it can be said that the elaborate exhibition in Yuehu Park doesn't waste the time to appreciate it.

    50 Dalai street, Haishu District, near yaohang street. This hotel is very recommended. The price is not very cheap, but it's not expensive. The price has not been increased during the long vacation. It's 250 a night. The location is very good. Apart from the old Bund, Ningbo should be the busiest place in Tianyi Square. It's only 2 km and 20 minutes' walk to the old Bund. The parking is convenient, the ground is full, and the underground garage is opposite to Town God's Temple. We are walking to the Moon Lake Park, which is less than 20 minutes. The interior furnishings of the room are ordinary, and the appearance of Samsung is useless. But the scenery outside the window is beautiful. Our two rooms are facing Tianyi Square and church. The height of the 20th floor is excellent. The vision is super good. The sound insulation is general. We always hear the baby shouting in the next room. The breakfast is also good. The whole body is very satisfactory.

    Ningbo Zhongbao building guest room

    Ningbo Zhongbao building guest room

    Ningbo Zhongbao building guest room

    One side is Tianyi Square, one side is Town God's Temple small commodities market and delicacy square.

    Ningbo Zhongbao building guest room

    Ningbo Zhongbao building guest room

    Ningbo Zhongbao building guest room

    On the parking lot in front of the hotel, I got a photo of my husband~

    Tianyi Square is located on the south side of Zhongshan Road, a prosperous commercial street in the center of Ningbo. The main building is composed of 22 modern buildings with strong European style. Inside is a 35000 square meter leisure and interpretation center square. Beside it, you can see the towering roof of the Gothic church. This church was built in 1702 by the French missionary Guo Zhongchuan inside the gate of Lingqiao. It was expanded in 1997 and completed in 2000. The ridge of the hall is 31 meters high, and the bell tower is 66 meters high. It is a typical Gothic building with top shape and color windows. There's a lot of food in the square. Last Spring Festival, I came to play with my husband. I ate a jar of duck dog or dog duck steel and the story of a small town. The business was very good. Eight of the ten dishes I ordered were gone and I was sweating.

    Tianyi Square

    Tianyi Square

    Overlooking from the hotel, Tianyi Square and the church.

    Yaohang Street Catholic Church

    Night photos, let's put them together first. In the evening, Tianyi Square is very busy and has many activities. It is a good place for nightlife.

    Yaohang Street Catholic Church

    Yaohang Street Catholic Church

    Lunch at No. 2-10 Heyi Road, Haishu district is set at Zhuangyuan building. When I came to Ningbo last time, my husband planned to bring me here, but I found it hard to find it when I was building roads everywhere. Although the roads in Ningbo are still overhauled this time, the area of Heyi Avenue in front of the number one building has been re planned. According to the navigation, we can find the hotel smoothly. It's not very convenient to park in the underground garage. You have to make a good turn. The parking fee seems to be 5 yuan per hour. I don't remember it very clearly.

    Ningbo zhuangyuanlou Hotel

    It seems that there are many restaurants in many cities, but they are not chain stores. It can be seen that there are still many number one restaurants in China. As for the origin of zhuangyuanlou, there are only a few versions, which will not be repeated. When it comes to eating, Ningbo cuisine is also well-known. Ningbo cuisine is also known as "Ningbo cuisine", which is salty and fresh. Because there are many immigrants from Ningbo in Shanghai, Ningbo cuisine also has an impact on the taste of Shanghai cuisine. Therefore, when you come to Ningbo, you can't miss the traditional Ningbo cuisine. Zhuangyuan building has a set meal, which is quite cost-effective. A table full, full and delicious. The whole set includes: fruit before meal, which seems to be served after meal, watermelon and so on. Exquisite cold dishes 2 out of 8: meat dishes (only one choice): fish with nuts / green gourd and jellyfish skin / smoked fish / wine flavored bullock; We chose Huang Ni Luo, a delicious vegetable (limited to one): cauliflower peanuts / balsamic acid wax gourd / golden melon jujube / Ningbo roasted vegetable. We ordered Ningbo roasted vegetable, which was quite delicious. Choose 1 of 4 kinds of soup: private corn paste / person, yellow croaker soup / person, grandmother taro soup / person, Qianhu silver fish soup / person, we ordered yellow croaker soup... Fresh! 3 out of 8 hot dishes: special fish wrapped meat / wooden pot local chicken / nostalgic sweet and sour ribs / Ningshi eel shreds / tea tree mushroom roast meat / pickled pepper bullfrog / simingwu taro / Yipin tofu. Of course, if you choose meat, the fish wrapped meat is delicious, the local chicken is also good, and the bullfrog is also good, All great ~ Yongcheng seafood 6 choices 2: Braised miscellaneous fish / taicaijiang white shrimp / water floated rice fish (steamed) / fried clam in Shangtang / small plum fish with shrimp / fish bowl with fish bowl, braised miscellaneous fish and fish bowl with fish bowl, not bad. 1 of 4 healthy vegetarian dishes: stir fried seasonal vegetables  / Chinese kale and lily / Celery and fungus fried Chinese yam / clear fried vegetable gall, I really forget what I have eaten. 4 choices: white rice / person, homemade spring noodles / person, Yong style pickled rice / person, green vegetable noodles / person, Yong style pickled rice is also a fresh snack. 4 choices: Zhuangyuan cake / person, Zhuangyuan Jintuan / person  , Xiaoyoubao / person, Ningbo Tangyuan / person. This is the No. 1 cake. I don't recommend it. I really don't like it. I knew I'd try tangtuan. Recommended dishes: Zhuangyuan cake, Ningbo drunk crab, pickled radish, yellow croaker soup, braised miscellaneous fish, sea cucumber yellow croaker soup, pickled rice, rock sugar turtle, wooden pot chicken, general, pickled pepper bullfrog, wooden pot cowboy bone, pine kernel moss crisp, Tangyuan, rotten skin bag yellow croaker, smoked fish, Sufu Rou, spinach, duzhan first, braised Wangchao, fried snow beef fillet with black pepper, Yangchun noodles, zhuangyuanlou drunk chicken, scallion oil white crab Fish and meat

    Ningbo zhuangyuanlou Hotel

    Ningbo zhuangyuanlou Hotel

    Ningbo zhuangyuanlou Hotel

    Let's talk about the environment. That's nothing to say. The lobby is antique and open. The dining area is simple and elegant. Even the baby chair is antique. There are many scenic spots. Linchuang is the newly built Heyi Avenue and the river at the confluence of the three rivers.

    Ningbo zhuangyuanlou Hotel

    Ningbo zhuangyuanlou Hotel

    After dinner, walk along Heyi Avenue. The newly built Heyi Avenue is a leisure shopping center with fashion and atmosphere. But it's also new, and there are not many businesses. The tourists are so crowded that they are very comfortable. In particular, the fountain for fun has attracted many adults and children.

    No. 1000, Shounan Middle Road, Yinzhou District, from 9:00 to 17:00 (admission will be stopped at 16:00). The museum closes every Monday and goes there in the afternoon. Because of staying in Ningbo at night, it is bound not to go too far. At that time, two plans were made: one is Dongqian Lake, and the other is Ningbo Museum. Later, I chose the museum, because combined with the trip to Zhoushan, there are many natural landscapes. Dongqian Lake is a relatively ordinary lake, but it is the Ningbo Museum, which has a good reputation.

    ningbo museum

    The museum is in Yinzhou District. It's a long way from Haishu District. It's very suitable to drive. About half an hour. After getting out of the city, the road condition is also good. It's very easy to drive. The museum has three main floors and five local floors. It adopts the centralized layout below the second main floor and the decentralized layout of the third floor. Combined with the on-the-spot observation, I think that in colloquial terms, the lower two floors are connected pavilions, the upper three floors are connected by an open platform, and the fourth and fifth floors are built separately. Looking from afar, it is both Chinese and western, with modern creativity and sharp style, as well as classical interest and layered rhythm. On the ground of the museum, a 65 meter long and 27 meter wide main entrance passage is crossed by a touch of water, and it is surrounded by the building to the north, which makes the building environment have the idyllic taste of Jiangnan Water Town; There are five independent buildings with different shapes on the raised roof, with large open slopes, passageways, sloping walls, fences and green scenes interspersed among them, creating the atmosphere and interest of Ningbo historical and cultural district; In particular, in addition to concrete, the external walls and fences also use old stones and bricks as materials to build "tile wall". It is said that these materials are all the debris from the demolition of the old urban area. They can be used to turn waste into treasure. They are environmentally friendly and innovative. I admire the creativity and ideas of the designers. The concrete wall is also the practice of fair faced concrete wall with bamboo formwork, which absorbs the cultural elements of Ningbo traditional architecture, and uses modern technology and techniques, with strong regional characteristics and modern sense. In my opinion, the appearance of the museum is not only better than that of the Shanghai Museum, but also reflects the ingenious idea from the raw materials. What's more, it's a feast for praise.

    ningbo museum

    The museum is composed of Ningbo historical exhibition "Oriental" Shenzhou "," ala "old Ningbo Ningbo Ningbo folk customs exhibition and bamboo carving art and temporary special exhibition. We arrived late, and the bamboo carving exhibition closed at 4 o'clock. But what I like most is the display of folk customs. It not only has a rich collection, including more than 180000 precious bronzes, porcelain, bamboo carvings, jade, calligraphy and painting, gold and silver, folk customs and other cultural relics from prehistoric Hemudu culture to modern times, but also combines history, architecture, Humanities and so on, creating different customs of different times, It's immersive. I really like this way of exhibition. The background is combined with three-dimensional actual architectural details, such as doors and windows, awnings, railings, plaques, wall lamps, bricks and tiles, plus the decoration of characters and location. And the setting is not only architecture, but also the integration of pictures with depth of field. Real antiques, and imitation of other decorations, and then integrated with the background. In addition to the characters, there are lifelike wax figures, clay sculptures, and real salesmen in ancient costumes. It's very interesting to mix with tourists.

    ningbo museum

    ningbo museum

    ningbo museum

    ningbo museum

    ningbo museum

    ningbo museum

    ningbo museum

    ningbo museum

    If you want to go to Ningbo, you might as well go to the Ningbo Museum, especially those who are interested in history and humanities. Although it is an exhibition, it is not rigid to see things through the glass window. Here, you can experience the rich Ningbo style, which can't be found in the streets.

    In the evening, I went back to the hotel to have a rest. In the evening, I went to the old Bund of Ningbo. Laowaitan was opened as a port in 1844. It is located in the center of Ningbo and the confluence of Yongjiang River, Fenghua River and Yuyao river. It has been one of the most prosperous ports since the Tang and Song dynasties. In the legend of Taige's determination, businessmen went to sea to China. The port of business is Ningbo, and Ningbo is also the earliest open port area among the five ports, It is one of the only bunds with a history of 100 years in China. The old Bund in Ningbo covers an area of 80000 square meters. Along the riverside, foreign consulates, Catholic churches, banks and docks line up, recording the whole history of Ningbo's port opening. At present, the preserved historic buildings have a strong European style, representing the architectural styles of Britain, France, Germany and Holland. Since the last Spring Festival, almost all the shops have been closed, the doors are deserted, and there are few visitors, but the Yangtze River is sending water. This is a completely different atmosphere, quite new.

    Old Bund

    Old Bund

    Old Bund

    Old Bund

    Old Bund

    Old Bund

    The Italian restaurant on the old Bund for dinner. The price is too expensive, the environment is good, very emotional. Look at the little sheep at the door, it reminds us of Rome's holiday. We eat a lot of things. And husband went to Town God's Temple's private food court next afternoon to eat some roast squid. So, 4 people ordered a double delicacy, and they were full. Dishes: a plate of fancy bread, the amount is enough ~ appetizer: Sesame tuna with vinegar soup: Italian vegetable soup staple food: Hawaiian pizza, milk Australia and beef desserts: Italian custard drink: Pink sparkling wine is quite recommended, relative to such a location, such an environment and the amount of dishes taste, the cost performance is good ~ especially suitable for couples Oh, it is very romantic drop. On the roof of the shop, there are still projection movies or something~

    From Bossi Restaurant

    After breakfast the next day, go to Zhoushan. Zhoushan does not belong to Ningbo, so the mobile navigation map should be set separately. Because we can't walk with our baby, we can't do without driving. Otherwise, it should be very interesting to go to East pole island by boat. From Ningbo to Zhoushan, there are several small islands along the way. I remember the last time my husband and I came here in winter, it was early in the morning, and it was rainy and foggy. There were chimneys on the island. In the gray, there were red flames and white smoke. It felt like the end of the century. This sunny day is totally different from the impression. Because the high-speed is free, so we went for a ride on every island.


    Zhoushan Golden Gate Bridge, except for the small fish pond in front of it, is very similar indeed.




    The four islands are Jintang, Cezi, Fuyi and Lidiao in turn. Li Diao island can't turn around. We need to go to Fu Chi. Each island has some small features, but not much to play with. Recently I saw a Moon Bay. I don't know if it's a new resort.

    After arriving in Zhoushan, I wanted to go to Dinghai ancient city first. But this place has no specific address. Follow the navigation to search several roads mentioned in the strategy. There are simple directions on the road, but there are no obvious instructions. Finally, I had to walk around and see some old houses. I don't know if they are real ancient cities.

    Dinghai ancient city

    Dinghai ancient city

    Lunch at no.228-50 Gangdao Road, Dinghai District, near No.99 Jianshe Road, Shenjiamen, guihuacheng / Putuo District, Zheng Biao's home, praises the clean environment, convenient parking, low price relative to seafood, especially good taste ~ recommended dishes: razor clam, fat and big, clam, fresh, good food that can't be eaten in Shanghai ~ sea melon seeds, lainiao shrimp, screws, flatfish eggs, horsehead fish... Flowing in the mouth water~

    Zheng Biao's (Jianshe Road store, Shenjiamen)

    In the afternoon, go on to Zhujiajian where you stayed. Haijindi farmhouse, which lives in wushitang, has a high holiday price, so it's not cost-effective. In particular, I also ordered a sea view room. When I went in to have a look, I saw a trace of sea from the cracks in the roof of the front several houses. Alas. But the attitude of the boss is still warm. There are a lot of farmhouses in wushitang, and they are still building them. My biggest feeling is that the people have the will to build beautiful houses, but they lack the overall planning of the township. For example, these farmhouse bars, alone, do not consider those rustic decoration, some are Greek style, white walls, blue doors and windows, some are Spanish style, beige walls, red low slope top. But mixed together, with a red lantern in this family and a neon in that family, it's not harmonious at all.



    Wushitang is a bay, but it's not a beach, it's all black stones. It's meaningless to charge 40 tickets during the day. But in the evening, we found a new road from wushitang to Shili Jinsha, and there was no navigation at that time. From the path next to the farmhouse where I stayed, it was a winding mountain road. There are mountains on one side and the sea on the other. It's beautiful.




    My husband likes this road very much. He says it's the best road for self driving with the best scenery around Shanghai. Unfortunately, it's not long enough to completely circle the island. In addition, the surrounding water is not blue but yellow. The photo is probably due to color difference. In fact, it's really yellow. Alas.

    It's sunset at Shili Jinsha, but the beach faces west, so there is no sunset to see. Set the next day to see the sunrise. There's a new hotel under construction next to it. It's a bit messy. It should be good after construction ~ you can try it next time~

    Shili Jinsha scenic spot

    Shili Jinsha scenic spot

    A lot of new people are taking pictures on the beach. It's interesting.

    Dinner will be in Shenjiamen, Zhoushan. The bridge from Zhoushan to Zhujiajian is also under repair, leaving half of the access road blocked. Sunset on the bridge. When you arrive at Shenjiamen and go to the wharf of Putuo Mountain, the seafood stall is called a sea of people. It stretches for several kilometers, and you can't drive there.

    Gaojiazhuang (Shenjiamen store)

    There are many stores in gaojiazhuang, so we chose the one close to Shenjiamen. As a result, we queued for 1 hour. Fortunately, I was always staring at the little girl who called, or she would have jumped us over the back table, angry! After eating, I feel good, but I don't have as many things as Zheng Biao's family. There are no Scapharca clams, and many of them are not. But it tastes good. People are very popular, and things should be relatively new.

    Gaojiazhuang (Shenjiamen store)

    Get up before five in the morning and go to Shili Jinsha to wait for sunrise~

    Shili Jinsha scenic spot

    When I got there, my dear, the hotel didn't open, and the grass at the gate was camper's camp ~ full of colorful tents, just like colorful mushrooms. After a while, all kinds of people come out of these mushrooms, including people in pajamas, people wrapped in quilts, people who bring dogs to walk, people who bring grills to roast sausages

    Shili Jinsha scenic spot

    Shili Jinsha scenic spot

    Unfortunately, it was still cloudy and there was no sunrise until 6:30.

    Back at the wushitang where I stayed, the sun finally appeared in the air. After checking out, I took a tour along the peninsula. The scenery is still very good, except for the color of the sea.



    Huacheng temple is located on Jintang Island. If you drive on the highway, you can see a spectacular combination of yellow temples. The last time I came to Zhoushan, I was very curious when I saw it, so this time I went underground to see it nearby. The temple has not been completed yet, but the pavilions are stacked, solemn and majestic.

    Huacheng temple, Zhoushan

    Huacheng temple, Zhoushan

    For the last lunch, I chose Yinzhou Wanda, because I was worried that there were too many people in the city. But after eating in the past, I was very disappointed. Although I ate all I wanted to eat this time, I still had such feelings. In addition, the price is expensive and the quantity is small, so it is not recommended. When I went out, I found that roads were being built in all directions. The city was a huge construction site, and all the navigation roads were sealed. You can only drive dozens of kilometers along the super construction site to follow the guidance of the navigation. However, there is also a lucky place, that is, if you choose to go back to Ningbo for lunch on that day, or if you go back to the city by way of Lingqiao, it will be a ticket after that. Summing up this trip, except for the unjust traffic violation, it was basically smooth. Arrive at home safely in the evening ~ the scenery and humanities, experience once is enough to aftertaste, and Ningbo's seafood, unforgettable, plan to have time, and then go to a feast.

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